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Displaying posts with tag: fixing mysql bug (reset)
My first patch for MySQL world; fixing BUG #76852

Hi dear MySQL Community.
I have reported a bunch of bugs and wrote some articles, but today is a special for me
Because today I send my first PR for MySQL source code.

So I have logged a bug -> #76852 and now fixed it after year.
Okey, I know I am lazy.

Let’s reproduce the bug.
Simulating full disk condition is easy as:

mkdir /filesystems
dd if=/dev/zero of=/filesystems/tmp_fs bs=1024 count=0 seek=$[1024*10]
mkfs.ext4 /filesystems/tmp_fs
mkdir small_mounted_dir
mount -o loop /filesystems/tmp_fs /home/sh/small_mounted_dir/

Then obtain MySQL source and compile it with DEBUG. If you don’t know how to do it just refer to -> installing-mysql-from-source-cmake-issues

From now you can use MySQL Sandbox to …

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