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Interview with Peter Cheng, CEO of TargetSource

*Disclosure: I am an advisor to TargetSource see: TargetSource Official Launch

1. How did you get started?

After 7 years effort on open source community and 3 years business practice on open source services in China, we think it is a right time for us to start up TargetSource. More and more companies always ask us to help them to solve problems when they use open source, sometime if you are just a individual, it is not a long term strategy for company to get support on open source software. That’s why we started TargetSouce, an open source service company which delivers to end customers by a global collaboration network with partners base on the open source software.

2. What is your product?

TargetSource strategy is not building a single open source component or product such as JBoss, hibernate, Spring or so. From our …

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Acceleration of Open Source Software Deployment in China

I have previously written couple of posts about OSS and China. You can find the posts here and here .

Now, however I have undertaken a challenge to take the understanding of the emerging opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors in the OSS space in China to the next level.

In January Technology Agency of Finland, TEKES and Ministry of Science and Technology from China discussed about undertaking a study tentatively titled Acceleration of Open Source Software Deployment in China, later Linux Foundation also promised its support. Press release of the undertaking can be found from here .

The report will be made freely available both in English and Chinese …

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After MySQL Exit – What Next?

The biggest open source news so far this year has been that MySQL was bought by Sun Microsystems for a Billion dollars (disclaimer: I was a seed investor in to MySQL). For good analysis check e.g. Stephen O’Grady’s post as well as Stephen Walli’s thougths and for the inside scoop in Jonathan’s post and Zack Urlocker’s post about the process.

Some reactions have surprised me a quite a bit. I have received questions and comments such as that ‘’we lost yet another European high-tech company to the US’’, ‘’does this destroy the promise of …

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Open Innovation and Open Source

I am heading back to Zaragoza to speak and attend at the 2nd Open Innovation event on the 20th, and I certainly am excited about it for a number of reasons, not least because of the great entrepreneurship the country currently is providing.

Secondly Spain seems to have disproportionate amount of open source developers compared to many other countries.

I don’t quite understand the reason for this, but I hope to find out, as well as very thriving entrepreneurship scene as Ignacio has already noted and good number of young Open Source businesses as Stephen has commented on. I am looking forward to talking to as many of them as possible.

Disclaimer: I am on the board of Ebox & …

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