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Displaying posts with tag: what is assertion failed in mysql (reset)
The origin of “Assertion Failed” errors in MySQL

Recently, we have discussed BUGs with our local community members. Where the half off people said that, they have seen “Assertion Failure” errors in error log. And the question was what is this at all?

In general “assert” is a code portion put by developer to handle certain things.

Well, i am not a core MySQL developer and my C/C++ knowledge is limited to simple calculator But i will try to explain where all these “Assertion Failure” errors come up.
The exact reason of failing Assertion/crash should be known by core developers. I know how to crash, they know how to fix. You help developers to reproduce a crash filling a bug report, by uploading test cases or maybe the core dump, backtrace etc.
Say, for eg, if you try to create a view after getting “full disk” error you will crash MySQL. See related BUG report ->

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