In the next milestone build of Pentaho Data Integration (2.4.1-M1) we will be introducing advanced error
handling features. (2.4.1-M1 is expected around February
We looked hard to find the easiest and most flexible way to
implement this, and I think we have found a good solution.
Here is an example:
The transformation above works as follows: it generates a sequence between -1000 and 1000. The table is a MySQL table with a single “id” column defined as TINYINT. As you all know, that data type only accepts values between -128 and 127.
So what this transformation does is, it insert 256 rows into the table and divert all the others to a text file, our “error bucket”.
How can we configure this new feature? Simple: click right on the step where you want the error handling to take place, in this case, …
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