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CTAS and Select Into

In both Oracle and MySQL, you can do:

create table T1 as select * from T1

This CREATE TABLE AS statement basically clones table T1 with its structure and data in T2. This can be pretty handy at times.

The equivalent of that in Sql Server is SELECT INTO. For example, you can do:

select * into T2 from T1

to achieve similar results.

Personal comments about recently published results of Amanda usage survey

We just published the results of Amanda usage survey and I want to share my personal observations.One of the most inspiring findings is that 95% of respondents would recommend Amanda to a friend. The Loyalty expert Fred Reichheld would be very impressed with such a result. The overall satisfaction with Amanda is also highlighted by the fact that 70% of respondents have been using Amanda for more than 2 years. People use software for such a long time only if it does the job well. Many users reported that Amanda was up to the task recovering files in most critical situations.

I think it is just great that more than 60% of users provided suggestions for new functionality.

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Skeleton Engine for MySQL

Working with Calvin today I took some changes that Trudy had made to ha_example and a couple of fixes Brian Miezejewski made to the skeleton tree and pushed them.

You can download the skeleton here:;type=gz

The skeleton is a "one stop startup" for creating a storage engine under MySQL. It has all of the moving parts for an autoconf project setup for you and it includes the example engine to play with. This is not an official project at MySQL just a nice have for people who are interested in getting up and running with a new storage engine quickly.

Calvin is looking at adding support for Windows for plugin builds so that Windows developers can quickly come up to speed in developing engines.

It will make Microsoft's job a bit easier when they …

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On Open Source IT Systems Management - Q&A with Nora Denzel (formerly of HP OpenView fame)

I recently had a chance to chat with Nora Denzel, former Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Software Global Business Unit of Hewlett Packard, to talk shop about IT operations management and open source's role / opportunity in the space. Here's a snippet of the QA.

Open Sources: How big is the IT monitoring/management space today? Who are the major players that occupy it?

Denzel: In 2006, Gartner released a study that pegged the IT operations management software market at about $7 billion a year with more than 50% of the number going towards IT infrastructure monitoring and management. The dominant legacy players that offer proprietary monitoring solutions are the usual suspects - HP OpenView, IBM Tivoli, CA Unicenter, and to a lesser extent BMC Patrol. Their software is filled to the gills with features, which often goes unutilized I'd like to point out, and is very expensive.

Open …

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Handling MySQL replication failure gracefully

As any serious MySQL DBA knows, MySQL can and will now and again go out of sync, most of the time it cures itself, but sometimes the worst happens and a slave stops replicating. Yet I bet most apps keep on going with random outcomes, especially if your storing the users sessions in MySQL and have a mastermaster setup.

To counter this problem I implemented a quick an easy check. If the check catches a replication failure `touch` a file to the nfs mounted tmp directory that is shared by all nodes.

Each node before executing anything (in index.php) checks for a file called 'halt' in tmp. If found exits and bingo no weirdness, corruption, or wondering why something is there one click, gone the next. It even emails you, and with a simple addition can sms.

mysql_query("show slave status;", CONNECTION);
mail('team@<some url>',
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Women in Open Source

I stumbled across this on the fabulous :


The Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE) will host a Women in Open Source Event as part of their upcoming 2007 conference, SCALE 5x.

The focus of this event is on the women in the open source and free software communities. The goal of this event is to encourage women to use technology, open source and free software, and to explore the obstacles that women face in breaking into the technology industry. The Women in Open Source event will be held on February 9, 2007 at the Los Angeles Airport Westin Hotel.

I have seen the dearth of women, in system administration as …

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Signs of MySQL usage at BBC.CO.UK

A very interesting document from BBC's Standards and Guidelines (Database Design and Development Standards v1.00) mentions only two databases, guess what? Oracle and MySQL!!!
BTW the document is also a source of good design tips like:

Normally, use only alphanumeric characters plus the underscore (_) character for table names.

Table names are case sensitive under UNIX (or Linux). To avoid confusion, define/declare table names in upper case in any database creation SQL scripts.

No SQL language reserved words should be used as column names

Identify primary, unique, and foreign keys (to enforce important or critical data integrity) as part of the initial design process

To guard against slow …

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Working With Rails

OK, so I stumbled upon Working With Rails a while back when there was a little controversy about their methods for populating the database with Rails developers and I figured I should claim my record. I filled in a few details then forgot about it. I visited again today to mention that I’m a Rails core contributor (well, I’ve had a patch or two accepted, which is good enough for me!) after reading that CD Baby is sponsoring conferences passes for the top 20 contributors between now and the conference registration opening for RailsConf ‘07. I sincerely doubt that, with my current workload, I’ll either contribute much or make it to the American RailsConf, but why not sign up anyway?

While I was visiting …

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MySQL Symposium Rescheduled

Seems like the MySQL Symposium will be rescheduled. On one side that's bad news, on the other personally it makes my schedule a bit lighter.

On the same day I got the news about the MySQL symposium being delayed I got the news that my paper for the dutch Virtualisation conference has been accepted at least I have more time now to work on that :)

Getting OSDC 2007 to Brisbane

An excellent opportunity has come up to have the 2007 edition of the Open Source Developers Conference to Brisbane. Various people from Brisbane were independently interested, and we converged at LCA 2007 in Sydney last week. From discussions there, I understand that the OSDC committee is interested, but would of course like to make sure that it will once again be a well attended quality event, and a worthy successor to the previous editions in Melbourne - so we need to do some homework!

OSDC is generally held in December, the CfP would start in April. Various things would need to be in place before then. If you are able and willing to help with this, please email me at my-first-name @ my-last-name dot com dot au The current aim is for an initial meeting in Brisbane within the next couple of weeks, to go over things before submitting a full proposal to the OSDC committee.

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