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Displaying posts with tag: reporting (reset)
InnoDB's Suitability for Reporting

I started using Oracle, a MVCC database, to develop reporting (data warehousing, BI, take your pick) systems years ago.  I’ve come to appreciate the scalability improvements that MVCC provides, particularly for pseudo real-time reporting applications, the ones where loads are occurring at the same time as report generation.  So when people say InnoDB, partly due to MVCC, isn’t as good as MyISAM for reporting I had to look into this in more detail.

What I found is InnoDB is a good engine for reporting.  In some ways, such as performance, it is at times better than MyISAM, and one of the downsides, such as a larger disk requirement, can be mitigated.  The trick is to for the primary key to be the one predominant access path.  In this example, the InnoDB clustered index, is purchaseDate and another column, such as orderId is added to make it unique.  This has a number of advantages.  In my experience, …

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