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Displaying posts with tag: Alexander Rubin (reset)
Advanced MySQL Query Tuning: Webinar followup Q&A

Thanks to all who attended my “MySQL Query Tuning” webinar on July 24.  If you missed it, you can you can download the slides and also watch the recorded video. Thank you for the excellent questions after the webinar as well. Query tuning is a big topic and, due to the limited time, I had to skip some material, especially some of the monitoring. I would like, however, to answer all the questions I did not get into during the webinar session.

Q: Did you reset the query cache before doing your benchmark on your query? 0.00 seconds sounds too good 

A: (This is in response to a …

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MySQL Webinar: Advanced Query Tuning

On July 24 at 10 a.m. PDT, I will be delivering a Webinar on Advanced MySQL Query Tuning. I will focus on optimizing the common slow queries with group by and order by. Those queries usually create temporary tables and perform a “filesort” operation. I will show how to optimize those queries so that they will be running significantly faster, which will increase the application performance and decrease MySQL load.

I presented a similar topic in April at the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2013. This webinar, however, will be more advanced and will also cover some additional topics like “loose and …

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