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Displaying posts with tag: Raspberry Pi (reset)
Raspberry Pi, MySQL Cluster 'n' Cream.

Ok, so I've been playing around with the idea of setting up MySQL cluster on a couple of Raspberry Pi's and this is how it has been going.

References First of all, for anyone else who's reading this, it's not a new thing, I know, and I highly recommend reading A.Morgans blog, as well as someone else's blog: http://

How to install MySQL succesfully on a Raspberry Pi

For those starting to learn MySQL and want to install it on a Raspberry Pi: there is a little gotcha you should be aware of.

Disclaimer: Only run command if you know what it does. Always make sure you have backups of your important data.

First you need to put the official Raspbian image on your SD card and then boot the Raspberry Pi.

Then if you try to install mysql with "sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.5" this will fail. The reason for this is that the filesystem on the SD card will become full. This can be seen by running the "df -h" command.

The SD card is probably 4GB. The filesystem will be around 1.9GB. This was done to make it fit on 2GB cards. To stretch the filesystem to complete 4GB you need to run "sudo raspi-config" and choose the "expand_rootfs" option. Then you need to reboot.

Now "df -h" should tell you that the filesystem has much more free space. …

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MySQL Cluster on Raspberry Pi

Earlier this week, Andrew Morgan wrote a piece on running MySQL Cluster on Raspberry Pi. Since the term “Cluster” is hideously overloaded, I’ll note that we’re talking about the NDB cluster storage engine here, a very specific architecture originally acquired by MySQL AB from Ericsson (telco).

Raspberry Pi is a new single-board computer based on the ARM processor series (same stuff that powers most mobile phones these days), and it can run Linux without any fuss. Interfaces include Ethernet, USB, and HDMI video, and the cost is $25-50. I’m looking to use one for the front-end of a MythTV setup (digital video recorder and TV system), I can just strap the Raspberry Pi to the back of a TV or monitor to do its …

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MySQL Cluster running on Raspberry Pi

MySQL Cluster running on Raspberry Pi

I start a long weekend tonight and it’s the kids’ last day of school before their school holidays and so last night felt like the right time to play a bit. This week I received my Raspberry Pi – if you haven’t heard of it then you should take a look at the Raspberry Pi FAQ - basically it’s a ridiculously cheap ($25 or $35 if you want the top of the range model) ARM based PC that’s the size of a credit card.

A knew I had to have one to play with but what to do with it? Why not start by porting MySQL Cluster onto it? We always claim that Cluster runs on commodity hardware – surely this would be the ultimate test of that claim.

I chose the customised version of Debian – you have to …

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