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Displaying posts with tag: trac (reset)
Reviewed: Managing Software Development with SVN and Trac

I’ve recently been migrating my wiki/documentation for Kontrollbase to Trac. For those that are not aware, Trac is a web-based documentation/wiki/Subversion tool that is used by countless number of software projects. Subversion, of course, is a software collaboration and code management repository that manages branches/tags/trunk files with revision control. It’s one of the most heavily used open-source code repositories available. Given that I use SVN (subversion) for all of my software applications and am now using Trac, the book “Managing Software Development with Trac and Subversion” by David J Murphy comes as a useful and great resource for integrating these two useful tools. …

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Kontrollbase wiki being migrated to Trac

Just a quick bit of news to let you all know that additions to the standard Kontrollbase and Kontrollkit userguides are being halted while we migrate the documentation to a new wiki system run by the very nice Trac software. You will be able to access the Kontrollbase and Kontrollkit documentation at when it [...]

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