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Displaying posts with tag: dependencies (reset)
jjsml: a Module Loader for the Nashorn JavaScript Shell

jjs is a JavaScript shell that ships with Oracle Java 1.8. I recently found myself in a situation where it seemed worth while to check it out, so I did. I do not want to use this post to elaborate too much on why I started looking at jjs, but I intend to write about that shortly. For now I just want to share a few observations, as well as a solution to a particular obstacle I encountered. What is jjs?Java 1.8 (both SDK and JRE) ships a new executable called

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The case against using rpm packaging for MySQL

In some environments using a distro package management system may* provide benefits including handling dependencies and providing a simpler approach when there are no dedicated DBA or SA resources.

However, the incorrect use can result in pain and in this instance production downtime. Even with dedicated resources at an unnamed premium managed hosting provider, the simple mistake of assumption resulted in over 30 minutes of unplanned downtime during peak time.

One of the disadvantages of using a system such as rpm is the lack of control in managing the starting and stopping of your MySQL instance, and the second is unanticipated package dependency upgrades.

So what happened with this client. When attempting to use the MySQL client on the production server, I got the following error.

$ mysql -uxxx -p
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or …
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Archive strategies for OLTP servers, Part 2

In the first article in this series on archiving strategies for online transaction processing (OLTP) database servers, I covered some basics: why to archive, and what to consider when gathering requirements for the archived data itself. This article is more technical. I want to help you understand how to choose which rows are archivable, and how to deal with complex data relationships and dependencies. In that context, I'll also discuss a few concrete archiving strategies, their strengths and shortcomings, and how they can satisfy your requirements, especially requirements for data consistency, which as you will see is one of the most difficult problems in archiving.

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