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Displaying posts with tag: network (reset)
How to configure Tcpdump system

MySQL Tcpdump system : use percona-toolkit to analyze network packages

We can identify problem SQLs with high execution frequency.

With DBMON system and AWR system we can find problem SQLs in a special time (high frequency, occurs over a period of time)

View this PDF:

True KVM Live Migration with OpenStack Icehouse and Ceph based VM storage

Over on the codecentric blog I just published a new post on True KVM Live Migration with OpenStack Icehouse and Ceph based VM storage, outlining the process it took me to get this actually working. There were several issues to work around, some of them bugs in OpenStack, some of them home-grown issues.

I provide a few patches to OpenStack classes as well as a description of what is actually going wrong and how to circumvent the problems. So head right over and have fun reading :)

Ceph Storage Cluster

At Data2Day 2014 in Karlsruhe I talked about the Ceph Storage Cluster and us using it to store documents in CenterDevice. These are the slides (German) I used. If you are interested in Ceph and/or look for help implementing it, don't hesitate to contact me.

Ceph Object Store from Daniel Schneller

Jinja2 for better Ansible playbooks and templates

Another post on Ansible over on the codecentric blog: Jinja2 for better Ansible playbooks and templates linked here for your convenience :)

Ansible: Simple, yet powerful automation

On the company blog I published a post about our experience with Ansible today.

It is no shoot out between different automation tools, but rather a collection of Ansible basics and our experience with it so far. Soon another post will follow about dynamically generated inventories for OpenStack virtual environments.

You can find it here: codecentric blog: Ansible: Simple, yet powerful automation.

SSH Two-Factor Authentication with Duo Security

Over on the codecentric blog I published an article on SSH Two-Factor Authentication with Duo Security. You are welcome to check it out.

Man in the Middle? - No, thank you!

After speaking about the topic the Developer Week 2013 in Nürnberg this week, due to some scheduling coincide I repeated it today for our codecentric "Dev-Friday" in which internal or external speakers present some topic to the whole company.

For a while we have been recording these for colleagues on vacation or otherwise occupied during the talk to watch it later. Several of them are available on codecentric's YouTube channel publicly. As of a few moments ago, so is my "Man in the Middle? – No, thank you!" talk on the possibility of – and countermeasures against – man in the middle attacks against SSL connections.

For your convenience, here is the video:

The …

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Troubleshooting Database Network Problems Using tshark

Today, one of the MySQL database server response time has been increased within the pool of servers and noticed it was returning the query in 0.20 secs (randomly) as opposed[...]

Pictures from Pedro’s Dinner 2012

Pedro’s dinner was full! I didn’t count, but we had 9 tables of 8-10 people or so – dare I say almost 100 people? Lots of beer, margaritas, and good conversations! Here are a few pictures from the event:

MySQL Conference 2012 Day 0

Wow! A lot has changed since the last MySQL conference I blogged about in 2007.

MySQL has been acquired twice: once as MySQL by Sun and the second time around bundled with Sun when Oracle bought Sun. The conference is no longer organized by O’Reilly but by Percona. And the MySQL database itself has changed — we were talking about new features in MySQL 5.1, which wasn’t released yet, along with Falcon (where did it go?). 5.1 has long since been released as has 5.5, and we’re now talking about 5.6 instead of 6.0. There was no “Cloud” on the horizon, nor was there MariaDB, XtraDB, Drizzle, Schooner, or any of the other offshoots of MySQL, all of which are creating a new buzz around the product.

Yet, one thing remains constant: the vibrant community around MySQL. In spite of all the changes in technology, ownership, versions, …

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