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Displaying posts with tag: Anouncements (reset)
HeidiSQL 7.0 released

450 revisions after the 6.0 release follows the new 7.0 release of HeidiSQL now. Here are the most noticable changes since the 6.0 release:

- Basic support for Microsoft SQL Server, allowing to execute queries, edit grid data and to do a data-only export
- Introduce a separate dialog for all grid export actions, allowing to set up various options before file is created
- Threaded query execution, including a button to stop long running queries
- Enhanced completion proposal
- Grid editing support for binary primary keys
- Implement multi statements in one go for query tabs, to speed up large scripts with many single queries
- User manager: Random password proposals in dropdown menus
- User manager: Support account resource limits
- User manager: Support SSL settings
- Support pluggable authentication on MariaDB 5.2 and MySQL 5.5.7
- Indicate MariaDB and Percona Server …

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HeidiSQL 6.0 released

This is a new release of HeidiSQL, the result of 331 changes done after the previous 5.1 release. HeidiSQL 6.0 introduces many new features of which I'll list the most important ones here:
- Tabs for multiple batch results or multiple procedure results in a query tab.
- Multiple connections in one application instance
- Editable query results
- Rewritten user manager, using GRANT and REVOKE syntax now
- Rewritten "Copy table" dialog and logic, supporting WHERE filters now
- Rewritten "Load text file" dialog and logic, supports client side parsing for situations where LOAD DATA is not allowed
- Rewritten SQL help dialog
- Query profiling in query tabs
- Introduce "Run current query" action (Shift+Ctrl+F9)
- Enhance detection of Unicode text files
- Server details hint when mouse over version status panel
- Internal image previewer for BLOBs
- LaTeX and Wiki markup …

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HeidiSQL 5.1 stable released

This is a maintenance release which fixes some remaining bugs in the 5.0 version. Also, the 5.1 release introduces some new features:

* New feature: Editor for scheduled events on MySQL 5.1+ servers
* New feature: "Databases" sub tab on "Host" tab. Displays number or tables, procedures etc of each db, plus the last update date and default collation.
* New feature: When editing contents of a InnoDB table which has a foreign key, the relevant cell displays a lookup pulldown menu with the first available text column of the foreign table
* New feature: Call stored procedures and functions from context menu. Parameter input is prompted.
* Bugfix: Startup errors on multi-monitor set ups, reading some non existant registry value.
* Bugfix: Startup errors in portable mode ("List index out of bounds")
* Bugfix: Quote collation value in table editor, so "binary" does not cause SQL errors
* …

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HeidiSQL 5.0 stable released

One year after the last stable release, v5.0 is now ready to use.

Changes between v5.0 beta and v5.0 stable:
* New feature: SSL options in session manager
* New feature: Startup script file in session manager
* New feature: Quick filter with "More values" auto fetches distinct cell values from table
* New feature: SQL export to clipboard
* New feature: Rewritten search and replace dialog, supporting regular expressions now
* Enhancement: Custom row height in result grids
* Enhancement: Implementing stuff for portable into main exe, so there is no need for a launcher any longer
* Many bugs (approximately 50) fixed

Changes between v4.0 and v5.0 beta:
* Completely rewritten, homebrown database communication layer, supporting Unicode from the very beginning
* Rewritten …

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Portable updated

I just created a portable release of the 5.0 beta code. Other than previous portable releases, this is not an installer any longer, but a simple ZIP file. Just unpack and run it.

How does HeidiSQL portable exactly work?
r3201 implements additional code into heidisql.exe, which checks for a "portable_settings.txt" file in the same directory. If present, heidisql.exe will read any settings from this file into a unique registry key, without interfering any running Heidi process or even other running portables. When you close the main window, settings will be written to the above mentioned text file and the registry key gets removed.

This way, the user is able to create its own portable with any build (ok, any later than r3201), just …

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RE: HeidiSQL 5.0 Beta available

I've been using heidisql from the begining. After 4th version i was thinking all those new features were awesome !!!. but this time heidisql is beyond of it's all borders. i'm waiting for a stable version even if beta is enough. you guys nearly rewritten the whole code. thank you for your efforts... it's pity there are still shareware mysql frontends lives out there that can not success even half of Heidisql can.

RE: HeidiSQL 5.0 Beta available

I've been a fan of HeidiSQL for.. I don't even recall how long now, and I have to say this new beta rocks!! Favourite MySQL gui just got better, it seems!

HeidiSQL 5.0 Beta available

A new release with lots of new features and bugfixes. To mention some of them:

* Completely rewritten, homebrown database communication layer, supporting Unicode from the very beginning
* Rewritten table editor, now supporting foreign keys and drag'n drop editing
* Rewritten SQL exporter: Removed useless options, dramatically improved performance and added support for views, procedures and triggers
* New feature: Multiple query tabs
* New feature: Create and edit trigger with a new trigger editor
* More native Windows 7 / Aero style support
* Maintenance dialog rewritten, introducing some new options
* New feature: Find text on server, search any group of tables/views for specific text
* …

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HeidiSQL 4.0 released!

Resulting from one and a half year of busy development, HeidiSQL v4.0 is now ready.

Here are some of the new features:
* Completely rewritten user manager
* New grid and popup editors for text, blobs, date/time, set, and enum
* New editor for VIEWs
* New editor for stored procedures and functions
* Customizable colors for grid cells, according to data type
* Direct SQL export from grids
* …

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Visit HeidiSQL at the MySQL Conference in Santa Clara, CA Ap

HeidiSQL and jHeidi will be present at the upcoming MySQL conference in Santa Clara, CA April 21-22, 2009. Please come visit us in the DotOrg Pavilion booth TT19! We'd love to meet users of HeidiSQL and talk about the latest features and upcoming releases.

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