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Displaying posts with tag: coolstack (reset)
Cool Stack 1.3 is here

It's finally here. Before you download the release, please do read the documentation. It's over a month late, but hopefully the features will compensate for the delay.
Almost every single component in the stack has been upgraded. Two new packages, CSKpython and CSKnginx have been added. And yes - the python package does include mod_python too.
You can read about the full list of changes in the Changelog.


Significant changes have been made to the ruby package. In addition to the upgrade to ruby1.8.6p114, we include a number of gems, notably mysql, postgres and mongrel. It should also be easy to install any new gem …

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Cool Stack 1.3 is here

It's finally here. Before you download the release, please do read the documentation. It's over a month late, but hopefully the features will compensate for the delay.
Almost every single component in the stack has been upgraded. Two new packages, CSKpython and CSKnginx have been added. And yes - the python package does include mod_python too.
You can read about the full list of changes in the Changelog.


Significant changes have been made to the ruby package. In addition to the upgrade to ruby1.8.6p114, we include a number of gems, notably mysql, postgres and mongrel. It should also be easy to install any new gem …

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Where is 1.3?

I know many of you may be wondering why Cool Stack 1.3 isn't out yet, so I thought I'd post an update on where we are with the release. When I first started talking about this, I was hoping to get the release out in early May. But several things have colluded to cause a delay.

  1. We took on a lot for this release. Although just looking at the proposal, it may seem like a simple matter to just update the versions of the various components, underneath the hood, we decided to do a lot more streamlining of the build and packaging process.  Since so many version updates were involved, that also meant more legal approvals.
  2. We have a more formal QA process for this release (and for future releases). The good news is that this means we will have a more quality release, but the bad news is that it now takes more time as we have to …
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Where is 1.3?

I know many of you may be wondering why Cool Stack 1.3 isn't out yet, so I thought I'd post an update on where we are with the release. When I first started talking about this, I was hoping to get the release out in early May. But several things have colluded to cause a delay.

  1. We took on a lot for this release. Although just looking at the proposal, it may seem like a simple matter to just update the versions of the various components, underneath the hood, we decided to do a lot more streamlining of the build and packaging process.  Since so many version updates were involved, that also meant more legal approvals.
  2. We have a more formal QA process for this release (and for future releases). The good news is that this means we will have a more quality release, but the bad news is that it now takes more time as we have to …
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Where is 1.3?

I know many of you may be wondering why Cool Stack 1.3 isn't out yet, so I thought I'd post an update on where we are with the release. When I first started talking about this, I was hoping to get the release out in early May. But several things have colluded to cause a delay.

  1. We took on a lot for this release. Although just looking at the proposal, it may seem like a simple matter to just update the versions of the various components, underneath the hood, we decided to do a lot more streamlining of the build and packaging process.  Since so many version updates were involved, that also meant more legal approvals.
  2. We have a more formal QA process for this release (and for future releases). The good news is that this means we will have a more quality release, but the bad news is that it now takes more time as we have to …
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Time for next Cool Stack release

It's been close to 4 months since we released Cool Stack 1.2, so it's time to start thinking about the next release. Here's what we have planned so far and as always I'm looking for feedback from current and future users on what you'd like to see. Needless to say, that all currently known bugs will be fixed and the current patches will be rolled into the release. However, if you don't tell us about the problems you've run into, we won't be able to fix them. So, once again I'd like to encourage people to please post your problem/issue/tips etc. on the forum.

Here's a list of stuff we're currently looking at for Cool Stack 1.3 :

Component Version in Cool Stack 1.3
Version in Coolstack 1.2 …
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Time for next Cool Stack release

It's been close to 4 months since we released Cool Stack 1.2, so it's time to start thinking about the next release. Here's what we have planned so far and as always I'm looking for feedback from current and future users on what you'd like to see. Needless to say, that all currently known bugs will be fixed and the current patches will be rolled into the release. However, if you don't tell us about the problems you've run into, we won't be able to fix them. So, once again I'd like to encourage people to please post your problem/issue/tips etc. on the forum.

Here's a list of stuff we're currently looking at for Cool Stack 1.3 :

Component Version in Cool Stack 1.3
Version in Coolstack 1.2 …
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Time for next Cool Stack release

It's been close to 4 months since we released Cool Stack 1.2, so it's time to start thinking about the next release. Here's what we have planned so far and as always I'm looking for feedback from current and future users on what you'd like to see. Needless to say, that all currently known bugs will be fixed and the current patches will be rolled into the release. However, if you don't tell us about the problems you've run into, we won't be able to fix them. So, once again I'd like to encourage people to please post your problem/issue/tips etc. on the forum.

Here's a list of stuff we're currently looking at for Cool Stack 1.3 :

Component Version in Cool Stack 1.3
Version in Coolstack 1.2 …
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PHP dtrace extension for Cool Stack 1.2

We have fixed the issue with the PHP dtrace extension not working in Cool Stack 1.2. As I mentioned in my announcement post, we had already identified the issue but didn't have time to fix it before the release. The issue was that /usr/ccs/bin/ld was being used to do the linking but this doesn't work for dtrace as some initialization code needs to be called from the .init section and this is not setup correctly if we don't use 'cc' to do the linking (rather than 'ld'). 

So a simple addition to the configure line:

did the trick.

We now have two files : and posted. Download the one for …

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PHP dtrace extension for Cool Stack 1.2

We have fixed the issue with the PHP dtrace extension not working in Cool Stack 1.2. As I mentioned in my announcement post, we had already identified the issue but didn't have time to fix it before the release. The issue was that /usr/ccs/bin/ld was being used to do the linking but this doesn't work for dtrace as some initialization code needs to be called from the .init section and this is not setup correctly if we don't use 'cc' to do the linking (rather than 'ld'). 

So a simple addition to the configure line:

did the trick.

We now have two files : and posted. Download the one for …

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Showing entries 11 to 20 of 35
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