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Displaying posts with tag: /mysql (reset)
MySQL User Conference coming up

Stewart has a new toy for his MySQL User Conference presentation, which is probably for the best as I fully intend to ask why MySQL replication is so unreliable, why Innodb hot backup appears to hate me, and lots of other biting questions if I think of them. It does make me wonder what other Aussies are going to be in town for the conference? I have a survey for you to complete:

  • My name is: ________________________________
  • I am arriving: ________________________________
  • I will be staying in: ______________________________ (name of city only please)
  • I would be interested in drinking so much I fall off my chair: yes / no (please circle)
  • I would like to know where you can get Coopers beer in Silicon Valley: yes / no (please circle)
  • Is …
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MySQL user's conference

Arjen, I am now registered for the MySQL user's conference. See you there.

Tags for this post: mysql()


MySQL user's conference

Ok, Arjen, enough with the conference announcements... I'll talk to my boss tomorrow about coming along. The conference is after all only about a 20 minute drive from my new apartment. It might even help to know some more about MySQL.

Tags for this post: mysql()


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