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Displaying posts with tag: etch (reset)
MariaDB 5.1.39 for Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL/CentOS

You can now yum (RPM) or apt-get (DEB) MariaDB 5.1.39, courtesy of OurDelta and in close cooperation with Monty Program Ab. Simply follow the info on the CentOS, Debian or Ubuntu pages.

(note: give the mirrors some hours to sync up)

Quick overview

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MySQL 5.0.87-d10 OurDelta packages

MySQL 5.0.87-d10 OurDelta builds are now available (32 and 64-bit):

Apart from the 5.0.87 upstream fixes there were a few minor fixes in the build environment, and one updated Percona patch. The -sail builds now include the OQGRAPH engine. Source packages are with the respective distro repos, and there are …

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