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Displaying posts with tag: password expiry (reset)
Securich – 0.1.4

Just a small note to advise that Securich reached 0.1.4.
Some new tools include:
* Added Password complexity
* Enhanced `set_password` – Old password is now necessary to replace it by a new one
* Enhanced Revoke privileges to accept regexp
* Added Block user@hostname on a database level
* Added Creation of reserved usernames
* Added Help stored procedure displays help for each stored proc
* Enhanced `create_update_role` to include the removal of privilages from roles
* Enhanced `grant_priveleges` on `alltables` for a database without tables would terminate with an error instead of gracefully (now fixed)
* Added Restore user@hostname on a database level
* Removed ’show warnings’ from sql installation

The database design using workbench is also available in the db folder (for easier understanding of what lies …

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Security – Roles and Password Expiry on MySQL using SECURICH

Lately there has been quite some talk about security on MySQL, and I've decided to GPL a package I wrote, implmenting Roles on MySQL. This technology has been available on other databases for quite some time, but hasn't quite yet made it to MySQL's feature list and apart from this tool, the only solution I know of is google's patches for MySQL 5.0.

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