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Displaying posts with tag: k8s (reset)
Installing MySQL InnoDB Cluster in OKE using a MySQL Operator

During previous months, I’ve had some time to satisfy my curiosity about databases in containers and I started to test a little bit MySQL in Kubernetes.
This is how it all began…

In January I had the chance to be trained on Kubernetes attending the Docker and Kubernetes essentials Workshop of dbi services. So I decided to prepare a session on this topic at our internal dbi xChange event. And as if by magic, at the same time, a customer asked for our support to migrate a MySQL database to their Kubernetes cluster.

In general, I would like to raise two points before going into …

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Installing MySQL InnoDB Cluster in OKE using a MySQL Operator

During previous months, I’ve had some time to satisfy my curiosity about databases in containers and I started to test a little bit MySQL in Kubernetes.
This is how it all began…

In January I had the chance to be trained on Kubernetes attending the Docker and Kubernetes essentials Workshop of dbi services. So I decided to prepare a session on this topic at our internal dbi xChange event. And as if by magic, at the same time, a customer asked for our support to migrate a MySQL database to their Kubernetes cluster.

In general, I would like to raise two points before going into …

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The Future Of The Application Stack

Containers are eating the world. If you have built and deployed an application in production over the last few years, the odds are that you have deployed your code in containers. You might have created and deployed individual containers (Docker, Linux LXC, etc.) directly in the beginning, but quickly switched over to a container orchestration technology like Kubernetes (K8s) or Swarm when you needed to coordinate multi-node deployments and high availability (HA). In this container-driven world, what will the future of the application stack look like? Let’s start with what we need from this “future” application stack.

What Do We Need From This Future Application Stack?

  1. Cloud Agnostic

    We …

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