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Displaying posts with tag: Distributed systems (reset)
VTOrc: Vitess-native Orchestrator

There was an idea. An idea to make Vitess self-reliant. An idea to get rid of the friction between Vitess and external fault-detection-and-repair tools. An idea that gave birth to VTOrc… Both VTOrc and Orchestrator are tools for managing MySQL instances. If I were to describe these tools using a metaphor, I would say that they are kinda like the monitor of a class of students. They are responsible for keeping the MySQL instances in check and fixing them up in case they misbehave, just like how a monitor ensures that no mischief happens in the classroom.

Distributed Clustering Services

Apart from my consulting as part of ScaleIn, I also invest to bootstrap companies with really disruptive ideas; and in the process met few database specific companies who are already[...]

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