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Displaying posts with tag: proxysql (reset)
Releasing ProxySQL 2.0.17

ProxySQL is proud to announce the latest release of ProxySQL version 2.0.17 on the 9th of February 2021

ProxySQL is a high performance, high availability, protocol aware proxy for MySQL, with a GPL license! It can be downloaded here or alternatively from the ProxySQL Repository, or the Docker image available on our Official ProxySQL Docker Repository.  ProxySQL is freely usable and accessible according to the GNU GPL v3.0 license.

Release Overview Highlights

ProxySQL v2.0.17 is a patch release comprising of minor backward compatible changes and bug fixes. 

Be sure to try out the new ProxySQL 2.0.17 release and …

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Load Balancing ProxySQL in AWS

There are several ways to deploy ProxySQL between your applications and the database servers. A common approach is to have a floating virtual IP (VIP) managed by keepalived as the application endpoint. The proxies have to be strategically provisioned to improve the resiliency of the solution (different hardware, network segments, etc,).

When we consider cloud environments, spreading instances across many availability zones (AZ) is considered a best practice, but that presents a problem regarding VIP handling.

Per definition, VPC subnets have to be created in a specific AZ, and subnet IP ranges can’t overlap with one another. An IP address cannot simply be moved to an instance on a different AZ, as it would end up in a subnet that doesn’t include it.

So in order to use the VIP method, we …

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Releasing ProxySQL 2.0.16

ProxySQL is proud to announce the latest release of ProxySQL version 2.0.16 on the 26th of January 2021

ProxySQL is a high performance, high availability, protocol aware proxy for MySQL, with a GPL license! It can be downloaded here or alternatively from the ProxySQL Repository, or the Docker image available on our Official ProxySQL Docker Repository.  ProxySQL is freely usable and accessible according to the GNU GPL v3.0 license.

Release Overview Highlights

ProxySQL v2.0.16 is a patch release comprising of minor backward compatible changes and bug fixes. This release brings several fixes to ProxySQL’s Native Galera monitor, AWS Aurora and connection handling.

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Full Read Consistency Within Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster

The aim of Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster is to be a special type of controller introduced to simplify complex deployments. The Operator extends the Kubernetes API with custom resources. The Operator solution is using Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) behind the hood to provide a highly available, resilient, and scalable MySQL service in the Kubernetes space. 

This solution comes with all the advantages/disadvantages provided by Kubernetes, plus some advantages of its own like the capacity to scale reads on the nodes that are not Primary.

Of course, there are some limitations like the way PXC handles DDLs, which may impact the service, but there is always a cost to pay to get something, expecting to have it all for free is unreasonable.     

In this context, we need to …

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Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster: HAProxy or ProxySQL?

Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster comes with two different proxies, HAProxy and ProxySQL. While the initial version was based on ProxySQL, in time, Percona opted to set HAProxy as the default Proxy for the operator, without removing ProxySQL. 

While one of the main points was to guarantee users to have a 1:1 compatibility with vanilla MySQL in the way the operator allows connections, there are also other factors that are involved in the decision to have two proxies. In this article, I will scratch the surface of this why.

Operator Assumptions

When working with the Percona Operator, there are few things to keep in mind:

  • Each deployment has to be seen as a single MySQL service as if a single MySQL instance
  • The technology used to provide the service may change in time …
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Support for Percona XtraDB Cluster in ProxySQL (Part Two)

How scheduler and script stand in supporting failover (Percona and Marco example) 

In part one of this series,  I had illustrated how simple scenarios may fail or have problems when using Galera native support inside ProxySQL. In this post, I will repeat the same tests but using the scheduler option and the external script.

The Scheduler

First a brief explanation about the scheduler.

The scheduler inside ProxySQL was created to allow administrators to extend ProxySQL capabilities. The scheduler gives the option to add any kind of script or application and run it at the specified interval of time. The scheduler was also the initial first way we had to deal with Galera/Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) node management in case of issues. 

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Support for Percona XtraDB Cluster in ProxySQL (Part One)

How native ProxySQL stands in failover support (both v2.0.15 and v2.1.0)

In recent times I have been designing several solutions focused on High Availability and Disaster Recovery. Some of them using Percona Server for MySQL with group replication, some using Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC). What many of them had in common was the use of ProxySQL for the connection layer. This is because I consider the use of a layer 7 Proxy preferable, given the possible advantages provided in ReadWrite split and SQL filtering. 

The other positive aspect provided by ProxySQL, at least for Group Replication, is the native support which allows us to have a very quick resolution of possible node failures.

ProxySQL has Galera …

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Scaling ProxySQL rapidly in Kubernetes

Editor’s Note: Because our bloggers have lots of useful tips, every now and then we update and bring forward a popular post from the past. Today’s post was originally published on November 26, 2019.

It’s not uncommon these days for us to use a high availability stack for MySQL consisting of Orchestrator, Consul and ProxySQL. You can read more details about this stack by reading Matthias Crauwels’ blog post How to Autoscale ProxySQL in the Cloud as well as Ivan Groenwold’s post on MySQL High Availability With ProxySQL, Consul and Orchestrator. The high-level concept is simply that Orchestrator will monitor the state of the MySQL replication topology and report changes to Consul which in turn can update ProxySQL hosts using …

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Releasing ProxySQL 2.0.15

ProxySQL is proud to announce the latest release of ProxySQL version 2.0.15 on the 30th of October 2020

ProxySQL is a high performance, high availability, protocol aware proxy for MySQL, with a GPL license! It can be downloaded here or alternatively from the ProxySQL Repository, and freely usable and accessible according to the GNU GPL v3.0 license.

Release Overview Highlights

ProxySQL v2.0.15 is a patch release comprising of minor backward compatible changes and bug fixes.

The most interesting highlight of this release is the introduction of ARMv8 64-bit packages which have been compiled for CentOS-RHEL 7/8, Debian 9/10 and Ubuntu 18/20 as well as a Docker image available on our …

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ProxySQL Public Training Nov & Dec 2020

Take advantage of the last training classes for the year and level up your ProxySQL skills for 2021!

Our public ProxySQL Total Training spans two days and will help you learn how to use ProxySQL’s features effectively and to efficiently deal with real life events and emergency situations that may occur in your infrastructure. This is instructor-led (our trainers not only build, but actively maintain ProxySQL) and is also hands on, so you will have exercises to complete.

The rich course content provides insights to help you build a solid understanding of ProxySQL’s design goals, and most importantly how to efficiently implement ProxySQL in order to maximize the resource utilization of your database cluster, while avoiding common pitfalls and anti-patterns!

Immerse yourself in the world of ProxySQL with our two-day ProxySQL Total Training.

ProxySQL Total Training topics …

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