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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 5.6 (reset)
InnoDB Full-text Search in MySQL 5.6: Part 3, Performance

This is part 3 of a 3 part series covering the new InnoDB full-text search features in MySQL 5.6. To catch up on the previous parts, see part 1 or part 2

Some of you may recall a few months ago that I promised a third part in my InnoDB full-text search (FTS) series, in which I’d actually take a look at the performance of InnoDB FTS in MySQL 5.6 versus traditional MyISAM FTS. I hadn’t planned on quite such a gap between part 2 and part 3, but as they say, better late than never. Recall that we have been working with two data sets, one which I call SEO (8000-keyword-stuffed web pages) and the other which I call DIR (800K directory records), and we are comparing MyISAM FTS in …

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Practical P_S: Finding the KILLer

In a previous post, I described how to leverage PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA in MySQL 5.6 to identify connections which had not been properly closed by the client.  One possible cause of connections being closed without explicit request from the client is when another process issues a KILL CONNECTION command:

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'aborted_clients';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| Aborted_clients | 0     |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'aborted_clients';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| Aborted_clients | 1     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

You …

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Let’s talk about Percona Server 5.6: Enterprise Grade MySQL (webinar)

The new Percona Server 5.6 is the most manageable, highest performance, and most scalable version of MySQL available. Percona Server 5.6 is the best open source MySQL choice for enterprise-grade applications because it combines new features with the best features of Percona Server 5.5 and MySQL 5.6 to provide unparalleled performance.

Join me tomorrow as I explain how Percona Server 5.6 takes MySQL performance to new heights. In this webinar, aptly titled “Percona Server 5.6: Enterprise Grade MySQL,” I’ll compare Percona Server 5.6 to …

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MySQL Virtual Developers Day

I’ll be presenting the keynote for Wednesday’s (31st July) MySQL Virtual Developer Day. The idea behind this event is that you get half a day of on-line presentations as well as live Q&A. My session focuses on what’s new in MySQL – in particular MySQL 5.6 and MySQL Cluster 7.3. As you’ll come to have expected, the event is free but you need to register here.
In the following agenda, all times are local to Singapore…

Practical P_S: From which hosts are connections being attempted?

MySQL Server has an aborted_connect status counter which will show you the number of failed attempts to establish a new connection.  The manual describes potential causes as follows:

It goes on to make the following statement:

If …

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MySQL multi-master operations made simple with Tungsten Replicator 2.1

Summer is flying by and it's almost time to get back to school! We will be continuing our Tungsten University series on August 22nd, with a live webcast "MySQL Multi-Master Operations Made Simple With Tungsten Replicator 2.1". 

Deployment of MySQL multi-master topologies with Tungsten Replicator has been constantly improving. Yet, earlier there were some heavy operations to sustain, and

Recovering temporal types in MySQL 5.6: TIME, TIMESTAMP and DATETIME

MySQL 5.6 introduces a new feature – microseconds resolution in some temporal types. As of 5.6.4 TIME, TIMESTAMP and DATETIME can have a fractional part. To create a field with subseconds you can specify precision in brackets: TIME(3), DATETIME(6) etc.

Obviously, the new feature requires the format change. All three types may now have a tail with a fractional part. The tail may be one, two or three bytes long and can store up to six digits after the point.

The non-fractional part has changed too. Thus, DATETIME uses only five bytes comparing to eight in previous versions.

As of revision 79 the …

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MySQL Utilities Webinar

On Thursday, Dr Charles Bell and I will be presenting a webinar on MySQL Utilities; there will be a heavy focus on what you can acheive with them and how you should use them. As well as listening to the presentation, this is a great chance to get your questions answered by the experts (Israel Gomez from the engineering team will also be on-line to help with the questions). As always, the webinar is free but you should register in advance here. If the time isn’t convenient, register anyway and you’ll be sent a link to the replay when it’s available.


MySQL Utilities provide a collection of command-line utilities that are used for maintaining and administering MySQL databases, including:

  • Admin …
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Practical P_S: Extending PROCESSLIST

MySQL 5.6 introduced major advances to monitoring made via PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA, but also made a change in how it binds to the network by default.  In MySQL 5.5, the –bind-address configuration option defaulted to “″, meaning only IPv4.  This changed to “*” in MySQL 5.6, accepting connections on both IPv6 and IPv4 interfaces.  Somehow (I’ve not looked into it yet), my (unsupported) WindowsXP installation now refuses to bind to IPv4, which caused surprising problems for certain tools that seem to internally map “localhost” …

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Practical P_S: Finding which accounts fail to properly close connections

I’ve previously written about several problems which can benefit from additional visibility provided by PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA in MySQL 5.6, and it’s time to add to that list.  A very common problem involves connections which are not properly closed – they simply idle until they reach wait_timeout (or interactive_timeout, depending on the client flags set), and the server terminates the connection.  Who knows what the root cause is – perhaps the client terminated without cleaning up connections, or maybe there was just no load, or maybe the network cable was unplugged.  It’s something application developers – particularly those using persistent connections managed by a pool – …

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