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Displaying posts with tag: sql analysis (reset)
VividCortex Adds Query Analysis Features

VividCortex is all about optimizing your queries. Many of our users asked us to analyse their queries, searching for common errors and mistakes.

It's true that there are some excellent tools out there to perform the same tasks, such as pt-query-advisor from the great Percona Toolkit. But having this information available right in our web application is something we always wanted to do, too. And today we released that!

Today we added Query Analysis to our Profiler tool, so as of now, you will have less trouble finding your bad queries. Query Analysis analyzes queries with heuristics. It can find bad application patterns, SQL bugs, and all kinds of other obvious and subtle issues.

The notifications count in the Profiler now …

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Take a look at mk-query-digest

Q: What SQL is running on your MySQL database server now?
A: The bane of pain for MySQL DBA’s when there is no official MySQL instrumentation that is dynamic and fine grained sufficiently to solve this problem at the SQL interface.

While hybrid solutions exist, the lack of dynamic and real-time are the issues. There is however great work being done by Baron and others on Maatkit mk-query-digest and packet sniffing the MySQL TCP packets.

$ sudo tcpdump -i eth0 port 3306 -s 65535  -x -n -q -tttt | ./mk-query-digest --type tcpdump
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
# Caught SIGINT.
5444 packets captured
8254 packets received by filter
2809 packets dropped by kernel
# 2.1s user time, 40ms system time, 22.23M rss, 57.60M vsz
# …
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