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Displaying posts with tag: Runnism (reset)
MySQL: Powering a New World Religion

As I’ve blogged many times, MySQLers frequently share off-work interests and running is one of them. I’ve also blogged about social media, which usually use MySQL under the hood. Now I’ve combined the two (running and social media) with the insight that running is a religion: I’m propagating Runnism, the Religion of Running.

It started as a thought …

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Why a world religion? And in 20 languages?

In a blog entry I’ve explained why I consider running a religion and why I want to spread this religion with social media. Still, what’s the point with doing it worldwide? Isn’t enough to do it close to my own front door, either at home in Munich, Germany or in my native Finland?

The reason relates to my interest for other countries, cultures and languages. Through my work, I’ve travelled a lot especially last year, as Ambassador of the product of my former employer. As I …

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