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Displaying posts with tag: bka (reset)
Join Optimizations in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5

This is the third blog post in the series of blog posts leading up to the talk comparing the optimizer enhancements in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5. This blog post is targeted at the join related optimizations introduced in the optimizer. These optimizations are available in both MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5, and MariaDB 5.5 has introduced some additional optimizations which we will also look at, in this post.

Now let me briefly explain these optimizations.

Batched Key Access

Traditionally, MySQL always uses Nested Loop Join to join two or more tables. What this means is that, select rows from first table participating in the joins are read, and then for each of these rows an index lookup is performed on the second table. This means many point queries, say for example if table1 yields 1000 …

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MySQL Cluster Multi-Range Read using NDB API

As described in “Batching – improving MySQL Cluster performance when using the NDB API“, reducing the number of times the application node has to access the data nodes can greatly improve performance and reduce latency. That article focussed on setting up multiple operatations (as part of a single transaction) and then executing them as a single batch sent by the NDB API library to the data nodes.

The purpose of this entry is to show how a single NDB API operation can access multiple rows from a table with a single index lookup. It goes on to explain the signifficance of this both now and in the future (much faster joins using SQL for MySQL Cluster tables).

There are several operation types to cover table scans and index lookups (refer to the “ …

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