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Displaying posts with tag: MaiaDB (reset)
Scale-with-Maxscale-part5 (Multi-Master)

This is the 5th blog in series of Maxscale blog, Below is the list of our previous blogs, Which provides deep insight for Maxscale and its use cases for different architectures.

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Handling long duration SST(timeout) in PXC with systemd

In this blog post, We will be explaining about the timeouts in SST on systemd implementation which we faced recently in Percona XtraDB Cluster  during our Consulting with a client. State Snapshot Transfers (SST) refers to complete data sync from one of the nodes from the cluster to the joining node.

SST will happen for one or more reasons listed below.

  1. Initial sync to join a node to cluster.
  2. Node is out of cluster and lost its ability to join back due to data corruption or inconsistencies and also when the node went far behind the node, …
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