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Displaying posts with tag: operators (reset)
Percona Operator for MySQL Now Supports Automated Volume Expansion in Technical Preview

Volume Expansion, a feature that became generally available since Kubernetes version 1.24, allows users to increase the capacity of their Persistent Volumes and underlying storage within Kubernetes. There is no need to use clouds’ UI or APIs to do that anymore. In our Operators, we use Stateful Sets – a Kubernetes resource that was designed for […]

Backing up and Restoring to AWS S3 With Percona Kubernetes Operators

In our last post, we looked into the lifecycle of applications in Kubernetes. We see that Kubernetes doesn’t handle database backups itself. This is where Kubernetes Operators come into action. They add additional functions to Kubernetes, enabling it to set up, configure, and manage complex applications like databases within a Kubernetes environment for the user.In […]

Reduce Your Cloud Costs With Percona Kubernetes Operators

Public cloud spending is slowing down. Quarter-over-quarter growth is no longer hitting 30% gains for AWS, Google, and Microsoft. This is businesses’ response to tough and uncertain macroeconomic conditions, where organizations scrutinize their public cloud spending to optimize and adjust.

In this blog post, we will see how running databases on Kubernetes with Percona Operators can reduce your cloud bill when compared to using AWS RDS.


These are the following instances that we will start with:

  • AWS
  • RDS for MySQL in us-east-1
  • 10 x db.r5.4xlarge
  • 200 GB storage each

The cost of RDS consists mostly of two things – compute and storage. We will not consider data transfer or backup costs in this article.

  • db.r5.4xlarge – $1.92/hour or …
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Least Privilege for Kubernetes Resources and Percona Operators

Operators hide the complexity of the application and Kubernetes. Instead of dealing with Pods, StatefulSets, tons of YAML manifests, and various configuration files, the user talks to Kubernetes API to provision a ready-to-use application. An Operator automatically provisions all the required resources and exposes the application. Though, there is always a risk that the user would want to do something manual that can negatively affect the application and the Operator logic.

In this blog post, we will explain how to limit access scope for the user to avoid manual changes for database clusters deployed with Percona Operators. To do so, we will rely on Kubernetes Role-based Access Control (RBAC).

The goal

We are going to have two roles: …

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