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Displaying posts with tag: Dell PowerEdge R420 (reset)
Considering TokuDB as an engine for timeseries data

I am working on a customer’s system where the requirement is to store a lot of timeseries data from different sensors.

For performance reasons we are going to use SSD, and therefore there is a list of requirements for the architecture:

  • Provide high insertion rate
  • Provide a good compression rate to store more data on expensive SSDs
  • Engine should be SSD friendly (less writes per timeperiod to help with SSD wear)
  • Provide a reasonable response time (within ~50 ms) on SELECT queries on hot recently inserted data

Looking on these requirements I actually think that TokuDB might be a good fit for this task.

There are several aspects to consider. This time I want to compare TokuDB vs InnoDB on an initial load time and space consumption.

Let’s …

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