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Displaying posts with tag: xbstream (reset)
Backup and data streaming with xbstream, tar, socat, and netcat

On April 4th 2012 Xtrabackup 2.0 was released in to GA by Percona along with a new streaming feature called xbstream. This new tool allowed for compression and parallelism of streaming backups when running xtrabackup or innobackupex without having to stream using tar, then pipe to gzip or pigz, then pipe to netcat or socat to stream your backup to the recipient server. This resulted in …

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Percona XtraBackup 2.3.8 is Now Available

Percona announces the release of Percona XtraBackup 2.3.8 on April 18, 2017. Downloads are available from our download site or Percona Software Repositories.

Percona XtraBackup enables MySQL backups without blocking user queries, making it ideal for companies with large data sets and mission-critical applications that cannot tolerate long periods of downtime. Offered free as an open source solution, Percona XtraBackup drives down backup costs while providing unique features for MySQL backups.

This release is the …

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Percona XtraBackup 2.4.6 is Now Available

Percona announces the GA release of Percona XtraBackup 2.4.6 on February 22, 2017. You can download it from our download site and apt and yum repositories.

Percona XtraBackup enables MySQL backups without blocking user queries, making it ideal for companies with large data sets and mission-critical applications that cannot tolerate long periods of downtime. Offered free as an open source solution, Percona …

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2 new features added to Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) since 5.5.31

With the last Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) release, two major features were added:

* a new command to bootstrap the cluster was added to the init script
* SST via Xtrabackup now supports Xtrabackup 2.1 features

In this post, I want to explain the benefits of these added features and how to use them.

If you follow the mysqlperformanceblog regularly, you’ve already noticed that there are several ways to start a node and that it’s not always easy to start the node that is supposed to bootstrap the entire cluster.

See :
- …

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