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Entity Framework 4.3.1 Code based Migrations and Connector/Net 6.6

 Code-based migrations is a new feature as part of the Connector/Net support for Entity Framework 4.3.1. In this tutorial we'll see how we can use it so we can keep track of the changes done to our database creating a new application using the code first approach.

Upgrading to Code Based Migrations EF 4.3.1 with Connector/Net 6.6

This walk through is based on the approach of code first and it assumes you have a basic understanding of code first Entity Framework, so please make sure to check this subject before going further with Entity Framework Code Based Migrations. The purpose of this post is to show you how you can upgrade your existing database and use the Code First Migrations to keep track of the changes done in your model and replicate them to your database.

Entry the First

Well there hasn't been any actual coding work done yet, this is just the project setup phase. This blog is connected to the Google Summer of Code 2007 Project "MySQL Auditing Software", the project page can be found at this link.

The project team is composed of myself, Umair Mehmood and the project mentor, Sheeri Kritzer. We'll be holding a conference call this Friday on Skype in order to exchange notes and design ideas.

I already have a fair idea of how this software can be designed, based on discussions with the project team members and research done into similar products I believe that a design based on passive packet capture is a good way to go. The resulting captured data can then be interpreted and reformed in whatever way we see fit before being passed on to the database servers.

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