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Displaying posts with tag: Python (reset)
Network Traffic Analyzer with RaspberryPI

Motivation Melbourne just won the “most liveable city 2016”, the 5th time in a row. That’s awesome, but it comes with a price, and the one you’d think of: internet here sucks! Sounds weird, isn’t it? Well, one of the reasons Melbourne is such a great city, is it’s size, the amount of people in [...]

Announcing: MySQL Utilities release-1.6.4 GA

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce a new GA release of MySQL Utilities. This release includes a number of improvements for usability, stability, and a few enhancements for better compatibility with MySQL 5.7. A complete list of all improvements can be found in our release notes.

Many Improvements!
This release represents a stable release of the product and is a significant improvement from the 1.5 release. Along with defect patches, we also include the following enhancements.

  • Support for MySQL 5.7 
  • New! Binlog Utilities:
    • mysqlbinlogpurge - purge old binary logs
    • mysqlbinlogrotate - rotate the binary log
    • mysqlbinlogmove - relocate binary log files
  • New! Replication Utilities: 
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Speeding up protocol decoders in python

Decoding binary protocols in python

Decoding binary protocols like the MySQL Client/Server Protocol or MySQL's new X Protocol involves taking a sequence of bytes and turning them into integers.

In python the usually workhorse for this task is struct.unpack()

It takes a sequence of bytes and a format-string and returns a tuple of decoded values.

In the case of the MySQL Client/Server protocol the integers are (mostly) little-endian, unsigned and we can use:

format description
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The Uber Engineering Tech Stack, Part II: The Edge and Beyond

Uber Engineering

Uber’s mission is transportation as reliable as running water, everywhere, for everyone. Last time, we talked about the foundation that powers Uber Engineering. Now, we’ll explore the parts of the stack that face riders and drivers, starting …

The post The Uber Engineering Tech Stack, Part II: The Edge and Beyond appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.

ConFoo Vancouver: Call for Papers is open

ConFoo Vancouver: December 5th-7th 2016

We are happy to open the call for papers of ConFoo Vancouver 2016! If you are interested in speaking about web development and related topics, please submit until June 6th. We will cover travel and hotel for the speakers who require it if you want to know  the quality of a great check stub maker.

ConFoo Vancouver will be held on December 5-7, 2016. For those who are familiar with ConFoo Montreal, that conference will still be running annually in addition to Vancouver. Visit our site to learn more about the event and …

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Taking the MySQL document store for a spin

This is not a comprehensive review, nor an user guide. It's a step-by-step account of my initial impressions while trying the new MySQL XProtocol and the document store capabilities. In fact, I am barely scratching the surface here: more articles will come as time allows.

MySQL 5.7 has been GA for several months, as it was released in October 2015. Among the many features and improvements, I was surprised to see the MySQL team emphasizing the JSON data type. While it is an interesting feature per se, I failed to see the reason why so many articles and conference talks were focused around this single feature. Everything became clear when, with the release of MySQL 5.7.12, the MySQL team announced a new release model.


In …

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How to correctly make "latest" symlinks

"Latest symlink"A "latest" symlink, is a symbolic link (on Linux, Unix etc) which links to the "latest" version of a file.
Suppose we have a file which takes some effort to create, which is generated periodically or in response to some stimulus (e.g. user activity). Then we want to create a "latest version" symlink.
Ideally the properties should be

  • latest symlink always points at the latest version (duuh!)
  • latest symlink always exists
  • latest symlink never points at a partially completed, broken, missing or otherwise bad file

Sometimes people do this in a way which won't work.
How to create a symlinkDead easy, right? Just call the "symlink" function. 
 int symlink(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath);

       symlink()  creates  a  symbolic  …

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Install python and pip as local user on shared Linux

A few days ago, I was struggling to install python on a Linux machine, in which I had no root permission. That machine was shared with many other users and there was only an old python version already installed on the machine. After a bit of search and trial, I was able to install a newer version of python on this machine to my local directory.

My goal was to run a program developed under python 2.7 on the Linux server which already had python 2.6 installed. As you can see, it was impossible for me to upgrade python on the system because I had no root permission. The only solution was to install the python 2.7 into my local directory and override the necessary environment variables. Even though this blog aims for python 2.7, I believe it should also be the same for python 3.0. The detailed steps are as follows:

  1. Install python to local directory

Firstly, I create a folder in my home directory, download the …

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Announcing MySQL Utilities 1.6.3 Beta!

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce a new beta release of MySQL Utilities. This release includes a number of improvements for usability, stability, and a few enhancements. A complete list of all improvements can be found in our release notes.

New Enhancements!
This release represents a stable release of the product. Along with several defect patches, we also include the following enhancements.

Improved support for MySQL 5.7
Improved functionality of --exclude option with SQL wildcards
Improved packaging in RPM and Windows distributions
Improved accuracy of calculated disk usage for mysqldiskusage
...and a host of minor improvements for quality and robustness

How Can I Download MySQL Utilities?
You can download MySQL Utilities 1.6.3 Beta from the …

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MySQL Connector/Python currently not available from PyPI

With PEP 470 now requiring files to be hosted on PyPI, you may have noticed that MySQL Connector/Python is now no longer available using the pip-tool.

The MySQL Engineering team at Oracle really would like to have the connector available through PyPI and have been talking with the Python Foundation towards that. We know users and developers of OpenStack, for example, have requested this as well as lots of other Python users.

For now we suggest to download the latest Connector/Python directly from the MySQL homepage:

  • Download:
  • Using MySQL repository (APT/YUM/..):

Going forward …

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