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Displaying posts with tag: recovery (reset)
Partial Binary Log Recovery

I came across a situation recently where I was asked if it was possible to edit a binary log to remove a part of it to restore onto a slave server. Now the choice of doing something like a hexedit did not seem appealing, and the more experienced might suggest that it is simply a matter of using  mysqlbinlog with the --start-position and/or --stop-position options. However, the problem had arisen that required the binary log to played through the replication process onto the slave based on specific options in MySQL cluster, so using an SQL dump from the binary log was of no use.

Initially this may seem like a daunting task where you will have to find some specialist tool or delve into the deep recesses of the binary log format, but a much simpler solution was found. The replication process allows the slave to be started up to a specific point in the log files. The command is the START SLAVE UNTIL... statement as seen in the manual at: …

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InnoDB Conference Presentations Now Online

Well, it took us a little while (we’ve been busy !), but we’ve now posted our presentations on InnoDB from the MySQL Conference and Expo 2009. You can download these presentations by Heikki Tuuri, Ken Jacobs and Calvin Sun from the InnoDB website, as follows:

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Solaris Cluster + MySQL Demo at a Exhibition Hall near you


If by any chance you are at the MySQL user conference in Santa Clara conference center, there are some great possibilities to see MySQL and Solaris Cluster in action.

We have a demo at the exhibition hall, where you can see MySQL with zone cluster and MySQL with SC Geographic Edition.

I will host a birds of a feather at Wednesday 4/22/09 evening in meeting room 205 at 7 pm. The Title is "Configuring MySQL in Open HA Cluster, an Easy Exercise" check out the details here

I will give a presentation at Thursday 4/23/09 morning 10:50 in Ballroom G, the title is "Solutions for High Availability …

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Solaris Cluster + MySQL Demo at a Exhibition Hall near you


If by any chance you are at the MySQL user conference in Santa Clara conference center, there are some great possibilities to see MySQL and Solaris Cluster in action.

We have a demo at the exhibition hall, where you can see MySQL with zone cluster and MySQL with SC Geographic Edition.

I will host a birds of a feather at Wednesday 4/22/09 evening in meeting room 205 at 7 pm. The Title is "Configuring MySQL in Open HA Cluster, an Easy Exercise" check out the details here

I will give a presentation at Thursday 4/23/09 morning 10:50 in Ballroom G, the title is "Solutions for High Availability …

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Solaris Cluster + MySQL Demo at a Exhibition Hall near you


If by any chance you are at the MySQL user conference in Santa Clara conference center, there are some great possibilities to see MySQL and Solaris Cluster in action.

We have a demo at the exhibition hall, where you can see MySQL with zone cluster and MySQL with SC Geographic Edition.

I will host a birds of a feather at Wednesday 4/22/09 evening in meeting room 205 at 7 pm. The Title is "Configuring MySQL in Open HA Cluster, an Easy Exercise" check out the details here

I will give a presentation at Thursday 4/23/09 morning 10:50 in Ballroom G, the title is "Solutions for High Availability …

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A quick note on MySQL troubleshooting and MySQL replication

PLEASE NOTE: I am currently reviewing and extending this document. While caring for a remarkable amount of MySQL server instances, troubleshooting becomes a common task. It might of interest for you which Recovering a crashed MySQL server After a server … Weiterlesen →

Data Backup and Recovery for MySQL - a MySQL Time Machine is Born.

Sure, you've heard it before: [some company's logo] has a new MySQL backup tool that promises to solve all of your data recovery needs. The good news is most of these tools work pretty well. However, they tend to suffer from a similar set of limitations. Most require sophisticated infrastructures or complex setup and maintenance and can become a resource drain for some organizations. You're probably wondering, "Why can't someone build a fully automated MySQL backup solution that you can just turn on and forget?"

I am happy to say that the MySQL Developers at Sun are doing just that. In fact, a prototype will be demonstrated at the 2009 MySQL Users' Conference that will show the feasibility of a fully automated MySQL backup and recovery tool. It's being called the MySQL Time Machine and (with all due respect to all vendors with products of similar names) it allows you to recover your data using a datetime value. How cool is that? Even MySQL …

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Data Backup and Recovery for MySQL - a MySQL Time Machine is Born.

Sure, you've heard it before: [some company's logo] has a new MySQL backup tool that promises to solve all of your data recovery needs. The good news is most of these tools work pretty well. However, they tend to suffer from a similar set of limitations. Most require sophisticated infrastructures or complex setup and maintenance and can become a resource drain for some organizations. You're probably wondering, "Why can't someone build a fully automated MySQL backup solution that you can just turn on and forget?"

I am happy to say that the MySQL Developers at Sun are doing just that. In fact, a prototype will be demonstrated at the 2009 MySQL Users' Conference that will show the feasibility of a fully automated MySQL backup and recovery tool. It's being called the MySQL Time Machine and (with all due respect to all vendors with products of similar names) it allows you to recover your data using a datetime value. How cool is that? Even MySQL …

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Data Backup and Recovery for MySQL - a MySQL Time Machine is Born.

Sure, you've heard it before: [some company's logo] has a new MySQL backup tool that promises to solve all of your data recovery needs. The good news is most of these tools work pretty well. However, they tend to suffer from a similar set of limitations. Most require sophisticated infrastructures or complex setup and maintenance and can become a resource drain for some organizations. You're probably wondering, "Why can't someone build a fully automated MySQL backup solution that you can just turn on and forget?"

I am happy to say that the MySQL Developers at Sun are doing just that. In fact, a prototype will be demonstrated at the 2009 MySQL Users' Conference that will show the feasibility of a fully automated MySQL backup and recovery tool. It's being called the MySQL Time Machine and (with all due respect to all vendors with products of similar names) it allows you to recover your data using a datetime value. How cool is that? Even MySQL …

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Talk,Talk, Talk: Innobase Speaks

That should read “Talks, Talks, Talks” … There will be several presentations by InnoDB experts at the upcoming 2009 MySQL Conference and Expo. Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced DBA deeply familiar with InnoDB, you won’t want to miss these important talks about InnoDB:

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Showing entries 71 to 80 of 90
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