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Displaying posts with tag: storage engine (reset)
NoSQL is Great, But You Still Need Indexes

I’ve said it before, and, as is the nature of these things, I’ll almost certainly say it again: your database performance is only as good as your indexes.

That’s the grand thesis, so what does that mean? In any DB system — SQL, NoSQL, NewSQL, PostSQL, … — data gets ingested and organized. And the system answers queries. The pain point for most users is around the speed to answer queries. And the query speed (both latency and throughput, to be exact) depend on how the data is organized. In short: Good Indexes, Fast Queries; Poor Indexes, Slow Queries.

But building indexes is hard work, or at least it has been for the last several decades, because almost all indexing is done with B-trees. That’s true of commercial databases, of MySQL, and of most NoSQL solutions that do indexing. (The ones that don’t do …

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Concurrency Improvements in TokuDB v6.6 (Part 2)

In Part 1, we showed performance results of some of the work that’s gone in to TokuDB v6.6. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at how this happened, on the engineering side, and how to think about the performance characteristics in the new version.


It’s easiest to think about our concurrency changes in terms of a Fractal Tree® index that has nodes like a B-tree index, and buffers on each node that batch changes for the subtree rooted at that node. We have materials that describe this available here, but we can proceed just knowing that:

  1. To inject data into the tree, you need to store a message in a buffer at the root of the tree. These messages are moved down the tree, so you can find messages in all the internal …
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Concurrency Improvements in TokuDB v6.6 (Part 1)

With TokuDB v6.6 out now, I’m excited to present one of my favorite enhancements: concurrency within a single index. Previously, while there could be many SQL transactions in-flight at any given moment, operations inside a single index were fairly serialized. We’ve been working on concurrency for a few versions, and things have been getting a lot better over time. Today I’ll talk about what to expect from v6.6. Next time, we’ll see why.

Summary of Results

Running multiple iiBench clients on a single MySQL instance, we see a big improvement in the cumulative insertion speed at all concurrency levels. We see a gain of 33.9% in single-threaded performance and 51.8% at 64 threads.

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Tracking 5.3 Billion Mutations: Using MySQL for Genomic Big Data

University of Montreal Tracks Genomic Data With Tokutek’s TokuDB.

Faster insertion rates, improved scalability and agility support lab’s fast growing research database as it grows from 100s of GBs to 1 TB and beyond.

Issue addressed: MySQL database used for genomic research must be able to quickly ingest huge amounts of incoming data – hundreds of thousands of records every day. It also must be able to retrieve data quickly in response to a diverse set of research requests.

Enabling the Hunt for New Cures for Diseases by Seamlessly Processing Billions of Mutations in Epidemiology Records

The Organization: The The Philip Awadalla Laboratory is the Medical and …

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The Results Are In!

We wanted to take a moment to say thanks to all of our customers and to the wider MySQL and MariaDB community. Today we announced a doubling of our customer base for the year ending December 31, 2012. Significant milestones over the last year included new technology and service partnerships, several awards, rapid hiring, as well as three upgrades to TokuDB®. We even dabbled in some MongoDB benchmarks. And to fuel continued growth in 2013, we secured additional venture capital funding last November.

Did You Hear? NASA Uses TokuDB for Big Data with MySQL!

To read the full press release and learn more, see here. To get started with TokuDB, …

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Webinar: Introduction to TokuDB v6.6

TokuDB® is a proven solution that scales MySQL® and MariaDB® from GBs to TBs with unmatched insert and query speed, compression, replication performance and online schema flexibility. Tokutek’s recently launched TokuDB v6.6 delivers all of these features and more, with additional improvements in multi-client, fast SQL updates, and in-memory performance.

Date: January 15th
Time: 2 PM EST / 11 AM PST

Topics will include:

  • Performance – With a 10x or more improvement in insertions and indexing, TokuDB delivers faster, more complex ad hoc queries in live production systems without rewriting or tuning applications. Offering high performance even when tables are too large for memory, TokuDB scales MySQL and MariaDB far beyond either InnoDB or MyISAM. …
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Announcing TokuDB v6.6: Performance Improvements

We are excited to announce TokuDB® v6.6, the latest version of Tokutek’s flagship storage engine for MySQL and MariaDB.

This version offers three types of performance improvements: in-memory, multi-client and fast updates.

Although TokuDB is optimized for large tables, which are larger than memory, many workloads consist of a mix of large and small tables. TokuDB v6.6 offers improvements on in-memory performance, with a more than 100% improvement on Sysbench at many concurrency levels and more than 200% improvement on TPC-C at many concurrency levels. Details to follow.

We have also made improvements in multi-threaded performance. For example, single threaded trickle loads have always been fast in TokuDB. But now multi-threaded trickle loads are even faster. An iibench run with four writers shows an increase from ~18K insertions/sec to ~28K …

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Marinating in 2013

What a flashback this week. Staring at a text terminal trying to establish a connection with a remote server, I began to fret whether I would get my homework assignment done on time. My mind raced back to college nights years ago in the Fishbowl, hunched over an Athena workstation. Would this be another late night fueled by Jolt cola in order to get my problem set done?

Thankfully, no!

Embarking on my first software class in quite a while was relatively painless, and I have Sheeri Cabral and her detailed guidance to thank. This week I started the …

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Move over Marcia: Top Ten for 2012

Well, it’s that time of the year again for top ten lists. There have been many versions showing up on the web the last few days, including Time Magazine’s “Top 10 Everything of 2012″ list, with 55 wide ranging lists!

Last year we started using Google Analytics to see what content for blogs was most popular on and generated a 2011 top ten list, ending up with a few surprises.  This year saw spikes in some interesting areas as well, including flash performance, NASA and Big Data, and MongoDB.

Without further adieu, here is the top ten list for 2012:

10. Announcing TokuDB v6.1 – This release included better overall performance and brought …

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Packing for the Holidays

Every time I visit my family for the holidays, as the date approaches, I find myself filled with dread. It’s nothing sinister, my family’s great, and the season is nice. The reason is simple:

I hate packing.

In fact, I hate both kinds of packing: trip packing, and bit packing. Let me tell you a story about bit packing.

Bit packing

If you’ve ever browsed around the available type attributes in GCC, you may have noticed the entry for “packed”. It seems straightforward enough, and if you’re trying to cram a lot of data in a system (like we do), it can be pretty attractive.

There are plenty

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