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Displaying posts with tag: sharding (reset)
MaxScale has now its own public irc channel

MaxScale is a Proxy for the MySQL protocol built with a modular architecture. The underlying concept of modules allows to extend the MaxScale proxy services. The current version implements Read Write splitting and Connection Load Balancing. Internally MySQL queries go through a SQL parsing phase. This gives MaxScale great capabilities regarding queries routing.

So if [...]

MaxScale, ProxySQL and MySQL Proxy

At FOSDEM 2014 ProxySQL and MaxScale were both presented. Both are proxy that can help build sophisticated MariaDB/MySQL architectures. But currently what is the most used proxy with MySQL? It is HAproxy. HAproxy is a level 4 proxy that has no knowledge of the MySQL protocol. Being low level makes it very fast but it [...]

Webinar – Automated Sharding and High Availability with MySQL Fabric

On Tuesday 17th December, we’ll be presenting a webinar on the latest developments for MySQL Fabric (a framework for managing pools of MySQL server – together with 2 applications: automated sharding and High Availablity). As always, the webinar is free and you should register here.

This is your opportunity to hear the details directly from the engineering team and put your questions to them.

This session will present MySQL Fabric and help you understand how you will be able to leverage it to address your scaling needs:

  • Architecture for performance of a sharded deployment
  • Management of MySQL server farms via MySQL Fabric
  • MySQL Fabric as a tool for …
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MariaDB CONNECT Storage Engine replay & slides available

The slides and replay of yesterday’s webinar on the MariaDB CONNECT storage engine have just been posted. First I want to thank the numerous attendees. You have shown great interest on the parallel execution of query on distributed MySQL Servers. I agree this is cool. The ODBC capabilities seems also to generate interest. This make [...]

MariaDB CONNECT Storage Engine and parallelism

The CONNECT Storage engine implement the concept of a table made of multiple tables. These underlying tables can be distributed remotely. For example the underlying remote tables can be of ODBC or MySQL table type. this allows to execute distributed queries. What is nice is that we can execute this distributed query with parallelism.

How [...]

MySQL Fabric with MariaDB Galera Cluster ?

MySQL Fabric is a very promising sharding framework. If I take Ulf Wendel definition of MySQL Fabric :

MySQL Fabric is an administration tool to build large “farms” of MySQL servers. In its most basic form, a farm is a collection of MySQL Replication clusters. In its most advanced form, a farm is a collection of [...]

MySQL Connect presentations on MySQL Fabric

MySQL Connect Conference was a great success and I am really happy for being
able to attend it this year. Oracle showed interesting improvements and
exciting features in the upcoming MySQL 5.7 and released a very early alpha
version of MySQL Fabric which is a framework for managing farms of MySQL

You can find the presentations about MySQL Fabric on SlideShare:

  . MySQL Sharding: Tools and Best Practices for Horizontal Scaling
  . MySQL High Availability: Managing Farms of Distributed Servers

If you haven't watched yet Edward Screven and Tomas Ulin keynote on “The State
of the Dolphin”, please, click on the following …

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A new kid in the MySQL sharding world

MySQL Connect 2013 has been a great edition. There was of course a lot of nice announcements of improvements in the the core MySQL server technology. One of the major announcement that received a lot of buzz was MySQL Fabric. MySQL Fabric is an infrastructure component aimed at simplifying construction of a highly available, sharded, [...]

MySQL Connect presentations on MySQL Fabric available on SlideShare

Going to MySQL Connect was truly a blast. We got a lot of good questions and feedback in the sessions and there were a lot of interest in both MySQL Fabric and the MySQL Applier for Hadoop.

A big thank you to all that attended the talks, I got a lot of good questions and comments that will help us build good solutions.

The talks are available on SlideShare:

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Installing MySQL Fabric on Windows

One of the major announcements made at the MySQL Connect conference just over a week ago was the labs release of MySQL Fabric, which supports management of MySQL Server farms in a sharded deployment.  It’s available on, which means it is just an early release with some rough edges.  One of those rough edges that I’d like to see resolved soon is that it’s difficult to install on Windows, as there is no installer package provided.  There is some documentation on how to install Fabric (you’ll find it in section 15.8.2 of the PDF that makes up the downloadable documentation), but it’s focused on Linux platforms, so I thought I would post the process that …

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