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Displaying posts with tag: mysql replication (reset)
MySQL 8.0 InnoDB Cluster – Creating a sandbox and testing MySQL Shell, Router and Group Replication

MySQL’s InnoDB Cluster was released on Apr 12, 2017, with version 5.7 and is also included in MySQL version 8.0.

MySQL InnoDB cluster provides a complete high availability solution for MySQL. MySQL Shell includes AdminAPI which enables you to easily configure and administer a group of at least three MySQL server instances to function as an InnoDB cluster. Each MySQL server instance runs MySQL Group Replication, which provides the mechanism to replicate data within InnoDB clusters, with built-in failover. AdminAPI removes the need to work directly with Group Replication in InnoDB clusters, but for more information see Chapter 18, Group Replication which explains the details. MySQL Router can automatically configure itself based on the cluster you …

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Performance Improvements in MySQL 8.0 Replication

MySQL 8.0 became Generally Available (GA) on April 19th, a great moment for us working on MySQL at Oracle. It is now a “fully grown adult” packed with new features, and improvements to existing features, as described here.

This blog post focuses on the impact of replication performance improvements that went into MySQL 8.0.…

Taking advantage of new transaction length metadata

MySQL 8.0.2 introduced a small yet powerful per transaction metadata information containing the transaction length in binary logs.

MySQL binary logs are being used for many other things than MySQL replication or backup/recovery: replicate to Hadoop; replicate to other databases, such as Oracle; capture data change (CDC) and extract-transform-load (ETL); record change notification for cache invalidation; change tracking for differential backups; etc.…

MySQL 8.0: New Features in Replication

It is with extreme delight and a big smile on our face that we share the news that a new major MySQL release has been declared Generally Available (GA). The road to MySQL 8 was pretty eventful, sometimes painful and sometimes hard, always challenging, but nonetheless a great ride and an extremely rewarding journey for the engineers that have worked on it.…

Tungsten Clustering 6.0 and Tungsten Replicator 6.0 are now available!

Continuent is very pleased and excited to announce that the new Tungsten Clustering 6.0 and Tungsten Replicator 6.0 are now available for download by our customers. The 6.0 release is the culmination of over a years work within our clustering product in order to improve the functionality and manageability of what we now call our ‘Multimaster Clustering’ solution. This is the replacement for what we called the multi-site, multi-master (MSMM) clustering functionality in earlier releases. The multimaster clustering allows for multiple clusters, in multiple locations, to be linked together into a single composite cluster. Because it’s a composite cluster, you gain all of the functionality that’s already available in a cluster, such as:

  • High availability
  • Failover
  • Automated recovery
  • Read-write split
  • Maintenance without downtime

But it’s now applied to the …

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The Multi-Source GTID Replication Maze

In this blog post, we’ll look at how to navigate some of the complexities of multi-source GTID replication.

GTID replication is often a real challenge for DBAs, especially if this has to do with multi-source GTID replication. A while back, I came across a really interesting customer environment with shards where multi-master, multi-source, multi-threaded MySQL 5.6 MIXED replication was active. This is a highly complex environment that has both pros and cons, introducing risks as a trade-off for specific customer requirements.

This is the set up of part of this environment:

I started looking into this setup when a statement broke replication between db1 and db10. Replication broke due to a statement executed on a schema that was not present on db10. This also …

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Product Management Newsletter January 2018


Welcome to the January 2018 Continuent Product Management newsletter. It’s the start of the year, and so a good opportunity to look forward, as well as back a little to see how we did. Let’s start with the immediate future first.

  • Tungsten Clustering 6.0 is Coming!
  • Tungsten Replicator 6.0 is Also Coming!
  • Looking at the Year Ahead
  • Tungsten Backup, Tungsten Connector
  • Tungsten GUI
  • End-of-Life Policy
  • Release Schedule
  • Internal Tweaks

Tungsten Clustering 6.0 is Coming!

The development and restructuring of the product has taken a year to come to fruition, as there are quite a lot of different components, but the new version of Tungsten Clustering 6.0 is due out in February and we’re really pleased with the result.

The focus of this release of the product is to unify the components that previously …

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Replication Performance Enhancements in MySQL 8

Although it feels like it was only yesterday that Oracle released version 5.7 of their acclaimed MySQL Community Server, version 8 is already available as a development milestone release (DMR). No, you didn’t sleep through a bunch of releases; MySQL is jumping several versions in its numbering due to 6.0 being dropped and 7.0 being reserved for the clustering version of MySQL. This new version boasts numerous changes (and bug fixes), one of the most exciting of which are replication enhancements. This blog will provide an overview of the new replication enhancements, including new replication timestamps, additional information reported by performance schema tables, and how replication delay has been reduced by updating the relationship between replication threads to make them more efficient.

New Replication Timestamps

The most common task when managing a …

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Webinar Highlights: What’s New in Monyog & Roadmap Update

Thank you everyone who attended our webinar on “What’s new in Monyog & Roadmap update”.

In this webinar, Shree Nair, Product Manager at Webyog demonstrated the various features introduced in Monyog since v8.1.0. Moreover, Shree showcased a number of scenarios on how to align the new features per use case.

Here’s the complete video for all those who couldn’t attend the webinar.

Summary of the top features discussed in the webinar: Set distinct email distribution list for warning and critical alerts

Monyog allows users to specify separate recipients depending on the state of the alert, i.e., critical, warning or others. The critical alerts such as server going down, slave not running can be sent to the on-call DBAs while other warning alerts can be sent to members of the team.

Trend Graph Analysis

Trend graph analysis makes it easier to compare the state and …

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MySQL 8.0.3: Binary logging and Replication chains are now enabled by default

MySQL 8.0.3 release candidate is out with amazing new replication features, along with changes in couple of replication default options. Thanks to our users for their constant feedback and valuable inputs, MySQL is changing defaults whenever possible to remove configuration overhead for practical deployment of MySQL server.…

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