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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
MySQL at the PyCon Japan

MySQL team is attending the PyCon Japan conference on September 13-15, 2014, our local colleagues will be available for your questions either at our MySQL booth or around the conference. We are also having a MySQL Lightening talk, please watch the conference schedule for any updates. 

MySQL team at KiWi PyCon New Zealand!

We are pleased to announce our attendance at the PyCon New Zealand in Wellington, New Zealand, on September 12-14, 2014! This time we do not have a booth, but will be very actively going around and talk to you. Find our staff wearing MySQL t-shirt!

Anyway if you are interested our colleague from the Solaris Modernization team, James C. McPherson is going to have a talk on Why Python rocks Solaris. Come to hear James' talk scheduled for Saturday, Sep 13 @ 11:20 am (Track 1). 

ConFoo is looking for speakers

ConFoo is currently looking for web professionals with deep understanding of PHP, Java, Ruby, Python, DotNet, HTML5, Databases, Cloud Computing, Security and Mobile development to share their skills and experience at the next ConFoo. Submit your proposals between August 25th and September 22nd.

ConFoo is a conference for developers that has built a reputation as a prime destination for exploring new technologies, diving deeper into familiar topics, and experiencing the best of community and culture.

  • ConFoo 2015 will be hosted on February 18-20 in Montreal, at the Hilton Bonaventure Hotel.
  • We take good care of our speakers by covering most expenses including travel, accommodation, lunch, full conference ticket, we also make you you have an …
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Localizing Mobile Apps

What do the acronyms I18N or L10N stand for? What do they mean for developers of mobile applications in particular?

I hosted a session about localizing mobile applications at Developer Week 2014 in Nuremberg. It covers — among other things — text, numbers, date and time, images, and other localizable resources.

See the codecentric blog for slides and some more details.

The post and the slides are also available in German.

MySQLNoSQLCloud 2014 – Edition #3

I’ve enjoyed visiting Buenos Aires once a year for the MySQLNoSQLCloud event, put together by the awesome people at Binlogic (in particular, their proprietor Santiago Lertora). It’s happening again in 2014, which by my count is the third edition, and there’s a twist: Buenos Aires on 13 & 14 November, and Cordoba on 17 November. It’s never been held in Cordoba before (like an annex event), so I think this could be extremely exciting.

If you’re looking to speak, send Santiago a note at (or leave a message here). I’ll put you in touch with him. If you’re looking to sponsor, you get attendees from all over Latin America.

GUUG Frühjahrsfachgespräch 2014: CfP ends on May 31st!

The German Unix User Group (GUUG) will hold their annual conference "Frühjahrsfachgespräch" on September 23-26 this year (I know, not really "Frühjahr" anymore, but this is how it is).

The Call for Presentations is still open until May 31st. Talks can be proposed in German and English, and there are slots for longer tutorials as well.

The range of possible topics is broad, so if you think you have anything interesting to share with a very passionate and technical audience of sysadmins and developers, here are some suggestions:

  • Operating Systems/Applications: architectures, privilege concepts, new developments, administration, mobile systems
  • Relevant new OS Kernel features: new developments in Linux-, BSD- or other Spen …
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Percona Live 2014 Impressions

Three weeks ago I had the privilege of attending my first Percona Live MySQL conference, which was incredible! In particular, there were two things that I found impressive about the conference.

First, was the amount of knowledge sharing and support that MySQL users provide each other; it truly is a community. Coming from EMC, I’ve attended several conferences in the past, but I’ve always considered them more of a marketing focused event, mostly spent doing product launches and company roadmaps and not much time fostering knowledge sharing and informal get-togethers: Percona Live was different. There were well thought out tutorials, information packed presentations, and keynotes rife with practical knowledge culled from the real world. I had many great conversations at our booth with people that have evaluated TokuDB or TokuMX or were planning to as soon as they got back into the office. It was also great to see, and participate in, the …

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50 tips to boost MySQL Performance Webinar follow up

Thank you for attending the webinar !  Here are the ppt slides.

If you missed it, you can still join the archived event by clicking the URL below.

There were a lot of attendees and a lot of questions. I could not answer everything during the limited time. But here are finally the answers !

Question Answer
Can MEM be used on community version? Yes, of course.
any known problems for MySQL running on an overprovisioned VMWare …
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Tokutek and Percona Live 2014

I’ve been a little behind in recent blogging efforts, and realized that in less than a month we’ll be back at Percona Live: MySQL Conference and Expo 2014, aka PLMCE. Last year’s PLMCE was my first, as well as the event where Tokutek announced the open sourcing of TokuDB.

It’s hard to believe that a year has gone by, but the customer adoption in both enterprise and community users has been awesome. TokuDB is available from our website for both MySQL and MariaDB, and is also available directly from MariaDB and …

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My talk @ Percona Live 2014

Will be giving a lightning talk at Percona Live 2014 – santa clara :)

In the world of replication, The Binlog is every ones favorite. 

But what about the Relay log, Don't you feel it can do more ?

Yes, It can. How about, if it can serve the purpose of the GTID 

feature without GTID.

#MySQL  ( alternative to GTID )  #gtid

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