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Displaying posts with tag: screen designs (reset)
MySQL Workbench 5.1 OS X Screen Designs

Before I am leaving for my summer vacation I wanted to share the first screen designs for the Mac version of Workbench. Click on the small images below to view the screenshots at full size.

The first shot shows the new Overview Page. It holds the Workbench Central panel (that can be collapsed of course), the Machine-Group panels and a Notes panel. Each machine tab holds a list of Database Connections and MySQL Models that are associated with that particular machine. (The list of Database Instances shown in this screenshot - which will give you access to administrative features - are a WB 6.0 feature coming later next year).

When you double-click a Database Connection you will get to the new SQL Query interface that is show on the next screenshot. When a MySQL Model has been double-clicked the model is opened on a new main-tab …

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