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Displaying posts with tag: checkpoint (reset)
Checkpoint strikes back

In my recent benchmarks for MongoDB, we can see that the two engines WiredTiger and TokuMX struggle from periodical drops in throughput, which is clearly related to a checkpoint interval – and therefore I correspond it to a checkpoint activity.

The funny thing is that I thought we solved checkpointing issues in InnoDB once and for good. There are bunch of posts on this issue in InnoDB, dated some 4 years ago.  We did a lot of research back then working on a fix for Percona Server

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How InnoDB performs a checkpoint

InnoDB’s checkpoint algorithm is not well documented. It is too complex to explain in even a long blog post, because to understand checkpoints, you need to understand a lot of other things that InnoDB does. I hope that explaining how InnoDB does checkpoints in high-level terms, with simplifications, will be helpful. A lot of the simplifications are because I do not want to explain the complexities of how the simple rules can be tweaked for optimization purposes, while not violating the ACID guarantees they enforce.

A bit of background: Gray and Reuter’s classic text on transaction processing introduced two types of checkpoints beginning on page 605. There is a sharp checkpoint, and there is a fuzzy checkpoint.

A sharp checkpoint is accomplished by flushing all modified pages for committed transactions to disk, and …

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How PostgreSQL protects against partial page writes and data corruption

I explored two interesting topics today while learning more about Postgres.

Partial page writes

PostgreSQL’s partial page write protection is configured by the following setting, which defaults to “on”:

full_page_writes (boolean)

When this parameter is on, the PostgreSQL server writes the entire content of each disk page to WAL during the first modification of that page after a checkpoint… Storing the full page image guarantees that the page can be correctly restored, but at a price in increasing the amount of data that must be written to WAL. (Because WAL replay always starts from a checkpoint, it is sufficient to do this during the first change of each page after a checkpoint. Therefore, one way to reduce the cost of full-page writes is to increase the checkpoint interval parameters.)

Trying to reduce the cost of full-page writes by increasing the checkpoint interval highlights a compromise. …

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1000 Great Technical Videos in BestTechVideos Library!

Yes! We did it! Just before I went to bed at 3:40AM (heh ), I noticed, that someone submitted new video to BTV. I’ve approved it instantly and then noticed a following information in the top part of the site: “We have 1000 videos / 569+ hours of high-quality content!” So, we broke trough 1k videos barrier! And we’ll try to do 2k videos before the end of this year, we have some new features in closed beta testing which would greatly increase number of submitted videos each day.

Thanks to all our users for their contributions and support! …

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