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451 CAOS Links 2011.05.24

Shuttleworth opens a can of worms. Fedora 15. IBM commits to Hadoop. And more.

# Mark Shuttleworth shared his thoughts on companies, contributor agreements and free software, prompting responses from Simon Phipps, and Dave Neary.

# The Fedora Project launched Fedora 15.

# IBM launched a new version of its BigInsight software, based on Hadoop, committed $100m to …

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Why ?how? is the most important question open source vendors can answer

“The question is not why use open source, but how to best use open source,” wrote Matt Asay earlier this week. It was a throwaway point but one that I think deserves more attention.

It occurred to me that “how” rather than “why” is the most significant question that open source vendors and projects should be answering right now as they try to encourage greater adoption of open source software.

There can’t be a CIO or IT director left on the planet that hasn’t either asked or been told why they should deploy open source software. They are either inclined towards believing the claims of theoretical benefits or they’re not. How many have asked or been told how they can take advantage of open source software?

Certainly those that are convinced or intrigued by the potential benefits will have gone on to explore …

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