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Displaying posts with tag: Percona Kubernetes Operators (reset)
Getting Started with ProxySQL in Kubernetes

There are plenty of ways to run ProxySQL in Kubernetes (K8S). For example, we can deploy sidecar containers on the application pods, or run a dedicated ProxySQL service with its own pods.

We are going to discuss the latter approach, which is more likely to be used when dealing with a large number of application pods. Remember each ProxySQL instance runs a number of checks against the database backends. These checks monitor things like server-status and replication lag. Having too many proxies can cause significant overhead.

Creating a Cluster

For the purpose of this example, I am going to deploy a test cluster in GKE. We need to follow these steps:

1. Create a cluster

gcloud container clusters create ivan-cluster --preemptible --project my-project --zone us-central1-c --machine-type n2-standard-4 --num-nodes=3

2. Configure command-line access

gcloud …
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