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.NET Core on Connector/NET updates.

Hello MySQL Connector/NET community,

Consistent with our ongoing effort to power MySQL products with the top technologies, we are pleased to announce the latest updates regarding MySQL Connector/NET and .NET Core.

And while we move forward, we also want to shape the product to maximize supportability. To achieve these two goals, we will deprecate the support for .NET Core 1.X to align with Microsoft’s end-of-life schedule (EOL May 14, 2019). But it’s not all about bad news, we also want to talk to you about the inclusion of .NET Core 2.2 support in the Connector/NET8.0.17 release. As you might know, .NET Core 2.2 is the latest GA release of .NET Core to provide a cross-platform framework that lets you build applications for Windows, Linux and macOS.

Our product, MySQL …

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