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Displaying posts with tag: Galera Cliuster 4 (reset)
Galera Cluster 4 with MariaDB 10.4

Congratulations to Team MariaDB at MariaDB Corporation and MariaDB Foundation for releasing MariaDB 10.4.6 as Generally Available (GA) last week on 18 June 2019. This release is very exciting for Galera Cluster users as it comes with Galera 4 (it is now the first server to come with it!), with Galera wsrep library version 26.4.2.

What can Galera Cluster users expect from MariaDB 10.4? Some high level features include:

  • Streaming replication — a huge boost to large transaction support, since the node breaks transactions into fragments, replicates and certifies it across all secondary nodes while the transaction is still in progress. Read more about it in our dedicated documentation on streaming replication as well …
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