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Displaying posts with tag: mysql for excel (reset)
MySQL for Excel 1.3.8 has been released

Dear MySQL users,

The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release of MySQL for Excel version 1.3.8. This is a maintenance release for 1.3.x. It can be used for production environments.

MySQL for Excel is an application plug-in enabling data analysts to very easily access and manipulate MySQL data within Microsoft Excel. It enables you to directly work with a MySQL database from within Microsoft Excel so you can easily do tasks such as:

  * Importing MySQL Data into Excel

  * Exporting Excel data directly into MySQL to a new or existing table

  * Editing MySQL data directly within Excel

MySQL for Excel is installed using the MySQL Installer for Windows.

The MySQL Installer comes in 2 versions

– Full (400 MB) which includes a complete set of MySQL products with
  their binaries …

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