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Displaying posts with tag: python mysql x plugin (reset)
Using MySQL Connector/Python X (mysqlx module) MyRocks episode

This post is about, how I have tried to make simple Python script using mysqlx module work with MyRocks.
This is also related to pytest, as I have implemented simple pytest tests to call them from bash file.

So let’s discuss problem description:
The base problem is, by default when you create collection using Python X Plugin, the collection will have, 1 json type column called `doc` and 1 generated column from this `doc` column called `_id`.
So basically, you can not alter table engine to MyRocks because it will give an error something like:

ERROR 3106 (HY000): 'Specified storage engine' is not supported for generated columns.

The result:

Well, it can be solved by dropping generated `_id` column. Here we are encountering another issue that, if you have table with json data, please do NOT alter it to MyRocks, otherwise, you will get some weird results as described here:

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