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Displaying posts with tag: Hawkular Metrics (reset)
Percona Live 2017: Hawkular Metrics, An Overview

The place is still frantic here at Percona Live 2017 as everybody tries to squeeze in a few more talks before the end of the day. One such talk was given by Red Hat’s Stefan Negrea on Hawkular Metrics.

Hawkular Metrics is a scalable, long-term, high-performance storage engine for metric data. The session was an overview of the project that includes the history of the project, an overview of the Hawkular ecosystem, technical details of the project, developer features and APIs and third party integrations.

Hawkular Metrics is backed by Cassandra for scalability. Hawkular Metrics is used and exposed by Hawkular Services.The API uses JSON to communicate with clients.

Users of Hawkular Metrics include: …

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