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Displaying posts with tag: SolarWinds (reset)
On the Observability of Outliers

At work, I am in an ongoing discussion with a number of people on the Observability of Outliers. It started with the age-old question “How do I find slow queries in my application?” aka “What would I want from tooling to get that data and where should that tooling sit?”

As a developer, I just want to automatically identify and isolate slow queries!

Where I work, we do have SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor aka Vividcortex to find slow queries, so that helps. But that collects data at the database, which means you get to see slow queries, but maybe not application context.

There is also work done by a few developers which instead collects query strings, query execution times and query counts at the application. This has access to the call stack, so it can tell you which code generated the query that was slow.

It …

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