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Displaying posts with tag: percona-toolkit (reset)
How to check and fix MySQL replication inconsistencies ?

There are several possibilities to end up with inconsistent MySQL replication, This could be accidental or intentional. In this blog I would like to discuss on how to identify the inconsistent slaves with master and fix them. I used here pt-table-checksum (to find the difference between master and slave) and pt-table-sync (to sync. between MySQL master and slave) from Percona Toolkit, The detailed documentation of Percona toolkit is available here for your reference. I expect / recommend you to be careful (as I mentioned above, sometimes records are inserted / deleted on MySQL slave intentionally) before using pt-table-checksum to sync. slave with master because rollbacking this task is even more expensive. The objective of this blog is to show you how to find differences between master and …

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