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MariaDB Replication, MaxScale and the need for a binlog server

IntroductionThis is an introduction to MariaDB Replication and to why we need a binlogs server and what this is. The first part is an introduction to replication basics, and if you know this already, then you want want to skip past the first section or two.
MariaDB ReplicationMySQL and MariaDB has a simple but very effective replication system built into it. The replication system is asynchronous and is based on a pull, instead of a push, system. What this means in short is that the Master keeps track of the DML operations and other things that might change the state of the master database and this is stored in what is called the binlog. The slave on the other hand is responsible for getting the relevant information from the master to keep up to speed. The binlogs consist of a number of files that the master generates, and the traditional way of dealing with slaves is to point them to the master, specifying a starting point in the binlogs …

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