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Displaying posts with tag: RETURNING (reset)
MariaDB's RETURNING feature.

There is a new feature in the MariaDB 10 Beta which caught my eye: support for returning a result set on delete.

With a 'regular' DELETE operation you only get to know the number of affected rows. To get more info or actions you have to use a trigger or a foreign key. Anoter posibility is doing a SELECT and then a DELETE and with the correct transaction isolation a transactional support this will work.

With the support for the RETURNING keyword this has become easier to do and it will probably bennefit performance and save you a few roundtrips and a few lines of code.

There is already support for RETURNING in PostgreSQL. And PostgreSQL has an other nifty feature for which RETURNING really helps: CTE or common table expressions or the WITH keyword. I really hope to see CTE support in MySQL or MariaDB some day.

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