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Displaying posts with tag: mysql perl scripts (reset)
Setting up Perl on Windows for MySQL Scripts (mysqldumpslow, mysql_explain_log, etc.)

This article is just a how-to for setting up Perl on Windows in order to use the perl scripts provided with MySQL, such as or

Now, you might say there is a section on this topic in the MySQL manual, to which I’d agree. But, this was for ActiveState Perl 5.6. The latest ActiveState Perl is 5.12, so thoese instructions are a bit out-of-date. Also, there are some helpful “User Comments” on that same page, but again, those are slightly out-of-date in the ActiveState 5.12. So, I thought I’d just post the steps I took in order to set this up.

First, download and install ActivePerl. Click the “Download ActivePerl 5.12.4 for Windows” button (choose either 32-bit or 64-bit). You’ll be prompted to save an msi file. Save …

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