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Displaying posts with tag: Backup and Recovery (reset)
MySQL PITR The Fastest Way With DevOps

Point In Time Recovery - is a nightmare for DBAs if the MySQL clusters are self managed. It was 10PM, after had my dinner I was simply watching some shows in YouTube. And my phone was ringing, the customer on other side. Due to some bad queries, one of the main table get updated without where clause. Then suddenly everyone joined the call and asking me to bring the data back. That day it took 6 to 8 Hours to bring the data. Yes, every DBAs will do one or two biggest mistakes. In my carrier I would say this was that day. So here is my MySQL PITR the fastest way with DevOps.

Where I failed in this DR setup?

  • PITR starts with last full backup + binlogs
  • I missed in my backup script to add --master-data, So I don’t know how to start applying binlogs.
  • No Delay replica. I got the call within 10mins when the data has been messed up. But all of my replicas are real time sync. Its affected all of …
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Automation Script For Percona Xtrabackup FULL/Incremental

This is my first post in 2019, and Im starting with a MySQL solution. In MySQL world, implementing a better backup strategy to meet all of your requirement is still a challenging thing. The complexity depends on your RPO and RTO. Percona has many tools to help DBAs in many scenarios. Xtrabackup is one of …

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Automation Script For Percona Xtrabackup FULL/Incremental

Image Source: DigitalOcean

This is my first post in 2019, and Im starting with a MySQL solution. In MySQL world, implementing a better backup strategy to meet all of your requirement is still a challenging thing. The complexity depends on your RPO and RTO. Percona has many tools to help DBAs in many scenarios. [Xtrabackup]( is one of the best backup tools to perform a better backup on TeraBytes size of databases. Also, another great feature is it supports Incremental and Differential backup.

There are couple of tools which is available in MySQL world, But due to some restrictions we can’t achieve what we are expecting.

#1 mysqldump

This is a widely used backup tool and most of the DBAs are trust this. This comes with …

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Backing up users and privileges in MySQL

There are two simple ways to backup only the users and privileges in MySQL:

1- Using mysqlpump utility (as create user and grant statements):

[shell ~]$ mysqlpump -uUSER -p --exclude-databases=% --add-drop-user --users > /tmp/pump-all-users_privileges-timestamp.sql
Dump completed in 1364 milliseconds

Sample output:

[shell ~]$ head /tmp/pump-all-users_privileges-timestamp.sql

-- Dump created by MySQL pump utility, version: 5.7.21-20, Linux (x86_64)
-- Dump start time: Sun May 13 23:30:49 2018
-- Server version: 5.7.21

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Recent Presentations Buenos Aires MySQL/NoSQL/Cloud Conference

The first annual Latin America MySQL/NoSQL/Cloud Conference was held in Buenos Aires Argentina from June 26-28. Kudos to Santiago Lertora from Binlogic who had the vision for the conference in his country and made it happen. I look forward to the second annual event.

My first presentation was “Improving Performance with Better Indexes”. This presentation details the six steps to SQL performance analysis, Capture, Identify, Confirm, Analyze, Optimize and Verify. An explanation of MySQL EXPLAIN, and working examples to create indexes and better covering indexes in several examples are provided. A production example of a 13 table join is used to detail how covering indexes and partial column indexes can make a dramatic improvement in performance. …

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Checked that MySQL backup log lately?

Running a MySQL backup and ensuring it completed successfully and backup files exist is not enough. In my B&R Quiz from Checked your MySQL recovery process recently? one important step is “Do you review your backup logs EVERY SINGLE day or have tested backup monitoring in place?”

This is what I found when reviewing a backup log for a client today.

mysqldump: Got error: 1142: SELECT,LOCK TABL command denied to user 'root'@'localhost' for table 'cond_instances' when using LOCK TABLES
mysqldump: Got error: 1142: SELECT,LOCK TABL command denied to user 'root'@'localhost' for table 'cond_instances' when using LOCK TABLES

The backup script was completing, backup files were in place (and are listed in the log file) however these errors were occurring.

Further investigation was less then one minute of …

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Just a DBA in a developers world...

Sometimes I wonder where this whole web development thing is going...I was asked to setup some backup and recovery tools for the BerkeleyDB Java Edition (JE).Hmm... DB... I could probably argue that DB should be dropped from the name if you add Java edition to it. I suppose maybe it's Oracle's plan to drop BerkeleyDB for the newer improved BerkeleyDB Java Edition (JE). Maybe that's why there

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