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Displaying posts with tag: schema (reset)
MySQL Data Type Q&A

Question: “When I use procedure analyse() on my schema it suggests TINYINT for the columns which have the data type VARCHAR. Based on the performance and data requirements, which one is better?”

Answer: TINYTEXT and TINYINT and VARCHAR are quite different. For reference I would refer you to the mysql manual page about data types.

However, procedure analyse() will read the values you have in your columns and if they consistently fit a pattern that would be better suited to another data type then it will suggest the correct one. As in, if your column is VARCHAR(1) and your data is similar to “1,4,7,5,2″ etc then TINYINT would be a better suited data type since you are dealing with numbers and not variable characters. Similarly, if you have the same varchar column, but your data is “a,b,t,h,o” etc then TINYTEXT or CHAR would be better …

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Spacewalk, and what we can learn about naming

Red Hat releases Spacewalk. It is described as: “the upstream community project from which the Red Hat Network Satellite product is derived“. Congratulations to all whom have worked on it, especially my friends who tired endlessly over it in the past.

Red Hat, is sticking true to its promise, of open sourcing everything they make. Best of all, they recognise Fedora (they always did, since say, Fedora Core 2 or 3), CentOS (a direct “competitor”/rebuild of RHEL), and Scientific Linux (I know of a certain university’s sysadmin who will be blessing Spacewalk, as her life will now be a lot easier).

There have been a few blogs about it… Matt Asay asks about a community (Red Hat traditionally wasn’t good at this, but with Fedora, I believe they’ve learned, and I’m happy …

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DB Basics ? February 2008 Boston MySQL User Group Meeting

Here is the video of “Database Basics”, which I presented at the February 2008 Boston MySQL User Group meeting. The presentation goes over the basics of relations, data, the Entity-Relationship Model, how to choose data types, and how to do basic CREATE statements.

You can download:

the video (Large, 500 MB, or Small, 100 MB)
the slides (PDF, 171 Kb).

Or just watch the video:

Source Controlling the Database Schema

In a linkage of biblical proportions, Log Buffer #83 pointed me to Tom Kyte’s reiteration which pointed me to Coding Horror’s rant about source controlling the database schema. Now, for starters, I agree with Tom’s sarcasm and Coding Horror’s rant — the database schema really should be source controlled in the same place as the application [...]

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